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THE MOMENTS UNDER the tight grip of dormancy are fleeting. Sleep comes and goes, fading in and out over and over. Each time under feels like mere seconds, and the time spent staring at the ceiling of the RV feels infinite. It's a familiar pattern at this point.

Morning light streaks across the dark sky, warming it up to a soft glow. The mattress feels too hard against my back. Trying to go back to sleep now would be pointless.

A hand snakes through the sheets, feeling around for a companion. I tighten my eyelids as my fingers close around hers, feeling the radiating warmth of her skin. Strands of her honey colored hair are spread across my face, but I don't brush them aside. Instead, I relish in the feeling of having her so close. There is nothing like it in the world.

With a heavy sigh of dismay, I sit up, accepting my premature arousal. There is a blue tint covering everything that my unfocused eyes look at, but I can clearly see the soft light caressing her face as she sleeps. Frozen in the muggy silence, I watch as her eyes dance around under their lids. She must be dreaming. Her face then twists into a scowl, and she begins to cry, pouring over her delicate cheeks. Her body trembles.

"No!" Her shrill voice cuts through the still, stiff air as her eyes fly open.

She sits up suddenly and the hairs on her head fly in all directions, some lading in front of her face. A grimy hand quickly clamps over her mouth, silencing her cries. Hot tears burn trails down her face as she whines through her sealed lips.


I squeeze her small body until the shaking becomes less violent.

"You can't go," She sobs, her voice muffled. I kiss her cheek and my lips become slick with her tears.

"Shh," I hiss again, gently, like a mother to her baby, "I am here."

"You weren't. You can't go," She says again while pushing her head between my small breasts. Her cheek presses against my heavy heart, a heart weighed down by the world outside of this vehicle.

"Pumpkin, you know I have to," I whisper, not wanting my aunt or my mom to hear.

She shouldn't be making this harder than it already is. She knows he promised. He promised there is a safe place we could live. A promised land. We just have to claim it, to get rid of the people already living in our home. I have to go, I want to be a part of it. I am going for her, everything is for her now, she knows this.

"Go back to sleep," I coo into her ear as I run my hand over her hair.

"I can't," She whines.


I lay down, bringing her body with me. She curls up, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I can still feel her tears wetting the collar of my thin tee shirt.

"Come stop your crying, it'll be alright. Just take my hand, hold it tight. I will protect you from all around you. I will be here, don't you cry," I sing lowly, a streamline of air bypassing my vocal cords.

She stays quiet for a long while, but eventually she speaks again. The salty tears coat the inside of her throat, making her voice sound hollow.

"What if I never see you again?" Her small voice cracks.

"I will always be there for you, no matter what," I say, believing those words with all my heart, "You will see me again."

There is nothing in the world that could keep me away from my sister, because she is the world to me.

She sniffles over and over, but her small whimpers soon silence. The dull hue flowing through the bed sheet covering the window slowly shifts from a deep sapphire to a faded orange. It's almost time. I want her to be asleep when I go, I don't want to see her cry again. Seeing her pain breaks down my soul little by little. The sad thing about souls is that everyone only gets one, and they can never be repaired.

I hug her body tightly, not wanting to leave her behind. With her eyes still closed, she kisses the scarred tissue on my cheek and lightly smiles.

"Goodnight sissy, I love you."

"I love you too," I kiss her forehead, absorbing the comforting heat coming from her body, "Meghan."


Hello, sunshine.

First off, I must say that I am very happy you are alive and that you are here with me reading this. I don't know what's going on in your life, but I am glad you are still here.

Second, welcome to my new story.

This is merely a rough draft (as most stories on this site are) and you, my dearly beloved, you are my editor. Please do not hesitate to correct grammar or plot mistakes, it only makes this story better. With that said, nothing on this page is set in stone. I might completely change the format of this book, and I might not. Just bear with me, and thank you for your help.

Votes and comments: never expected, always appreciated.


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