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THE WALK BACK to Alexandria was fortunately quicker than I thought it would be. There wasn't enough time to give my mind any thinking space, and for that I am glad.

As I trudged back up the road, I tried to keep myself distracted so I wouldn't end up chasing the fact that I may never again see the boy with the crystal eye. The entire time, I kept wandering off the road if I saw a bag or a vehicle, looking for any supplies for the Saviors. Though, I couldn't stop myself from thinking thy if Carl succeeds, we won't have to service Negan anymore.

As I reach the shimmering gates again, memories from when I first got here flood back, drowning me comfortably. My mind reels at the fact that the first and only other time I approached these gates, I had a baby in my arms and fear in my heart. Now, this place is my home. I feel safe knowing what is behind these dark walls.

I don't even think to sneak back in, forgetting that I might get in trouble. I don't spot the car that Rick and Aaron took on their run, so I think I am in the clear.

As I stand in the cold in front of the wooden door, I prepare myself to once again face the silence that infects the interior of the infirmary. I nearly jump out of my skin when a pair of strong arms wrap around me the second I fling the door open.

The canned vegetables in my arms are painfully crushed against my stomach as a body is pressed against mine. It takes me a bewildered second to register that my aunt is back and that she is standing in front of me. I let go of the cans, letting them drop to the floor as I hug Tara tightly. She is home early.

"Hey kid," She kisses the top of my head before pulling away, "Where have you been?"

"Just... gathering supplies," I reply.

"Sweet." Aunt Tara picks up one of the cans off the floor and brings it to the kitchen island. She pulls out a can opener, but I snatch the can back while her back is turned.

"Hey, what gives?" She frowns. My eyes grow wide, my heart suddenly breaking. The happy illusion of having my aunt back is shattered once the realization swings at me. It's a sharp sucker punch against my chattering teeth.

"Have you seen Denise anywhere?" Tara casually asks, looking around at the empty infirmary. Her nose scrunches as she notices that many of the shelves have been picked clean. Her growingly worried eyes shoot back to me, wanting an explanation. I look up at her through blurry eyes and suck in a shaky breath. She has missed so much, and I don't know where to begin or how I will be able to think about it all again.

"Auntie, please sit down."

* * *

The stove clicks over and over as a weak hissing noise lets me know gas is fuming out. On the fourth click, a flame suddenly erupts under the grate. Before I move the pot of water over the blue flame, I stretch my cold hands toward the heat.

Meghan {c.g.}Where stories live. Discover now