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Negan's gravelly voice shudders through my body, rippling the seams between my joints. My bones shake, vibrating my entire being as my spirit backs away, leaving me to face this horror alone.

For the first time in my life, I can feel something in the damaged tissue on my face, and it startles me. An apprehensive tingling sensation creeps across my cheek, preceded by the gashes caused by his sharp stare.

The bandana hangs down from around my sweaty neck, fallen in defeat, despite my willingness for it not to. I didn't want to show myself to him, but I was too scared to fight.

A shuddering breath fills my lungs in painful bursts as his body moves a step closer to mine. His wide eyes scan every fold and dent in my skin, and he chuckles.

"Damn, kid. Who did you piss off?" He tilts his head back. His body looks fluid, almost relaxed, as he basks in my submission.

"I thought you were one of mine at first. But, no ma'am, I remember all of mine," Negan continues, stepping even closer. My heel is already pinned against the wall. I have nowhere to go.

There is someone else in the room, a silent being, but I cannot force my eyes away from the man in front of me. He leans forward, smirking. I can feel the heat of his violent power lighting up from behind his teeth. His presence pushes me closer the edge I have been trying not to fall off of for a while.

It is getting hard to breathe.

This is the furthest under the water I have ever been, my lungs are almost filled. I attempt to control the hopeless feeling in my stomach, but I fail and begin to see black around the corners of my vision. I struggle to keep my balance on the edge, but each breath from his mouth feels like a large gust that rushes over my skin. I can see my own body in the fight, wobbling helplessly as ice pellets taint my exposed skin with a swirl of red and purple. I can see my feet as they teeter over the loose, crumbling earth. I know I will fall soon.

Something snaps be back into reality. It's MJ being taken from my arms. My throat thickens and my teeth grit together tightly, sending waves of pain to my jaw.

"Look at this little angel," Negan sneers, hugging the child to him. He turns his back to me and my reeling mind, pacing leisurely out of the room. MJ does not make a sound, for even she is affected by his menacing demeanor.

"Come on, Cece. There is still a lot more here to see!" Negan's voice booms.

My stance is rigid, caused by my fearfully arched back and tensed muscles. My eyes stay pointed at MJ's face, which peeks sadly back at me from over Negan's wide shoulder.

The soft material of a shirt brushes my arm as I walk past the third person in the room. I can feel this person follow me closely out of the door and back into the hallway. Blood pumps through my ears loudly, so I can't hear whatever baby noises Negan is making as he leads us down the hallway towards the bathroom. My hands are balled into fists and hang tightly at my sides, but suddenly I am aware of the light pressure against my knuckle.

Meghan {c.g.}Where stories live. Discover now