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BEAUTY IS NOT something I have ever considered important. Back before the world fell apart, it meant everything to everyone except me. Beautiful people were the only ones that mattered. While that was especially true for young girls like me, I never made any attempt to look presentable, because I knew that no matter how hard I tried to be pretty, people would only see my imperfections.

This face of mine has caused me a lot of disgrace throughout my life, something that has still not ended. It seems that the ideals of beauty did not die with the rest of the world, so I am forced to cover up my shame. 

Today, though, I am giving beauty a chance to smile upon me.

Just as I am leaning over to get a better look at my rippled reflection, the ground beneath my foot slides and my foot drops into the lake. The murky water splashes up my leg, getting my jeans all wet. My boot is completely soaked as I place it back on solid ground. 

"Ugh, fuck me," I whisper to myself as I awkwardly limp back toward the street where Carl stands. His face tenses up as he forces back a smile, keeping his cold expression locked in place. 

"That was embarrassing," He suppresses a chuckle, this time unable to stop his face from cracking just a bit, "Do you want to go back?"

"No it's fine," I shake my head, taking Meghan back from him. 

I don't own another other pair, so I will just endure this wet shoe. I've endured worse. 

We continue on our way, our shadows closely following behind our steps in the noon sunlight. I have been with Carl all day so far, showing up on his doorstep at the crack of dawn so I could see Meghan. This morning was the ninth day in a row I have done this, because even after more than a week of staying in Alexandria, I still can't sleep without her. 

I have been spending all of my time with Meghan, or with Tara and Denise in the infirmary. Today, though, aunt Tara told me that I had to socialize a little. Carl is taking me to meet the other teens who live here. I have seen them around, but I never said hi or anything. I am here because Meghan needs a place to live, I am not here to make friends. Aunt Tara strongly insisted, though. 

"Judith cried last night again," Carl speaks, breaking the uneasy silence. 

"Shocker," I murmur.

He shrugs his shoulders a little and continues talking, "I discovered something, though." 

I tilt my head at him, genuinely interested. 

"I was holding her, it was about two in the morning, and I was trying to get her back to sleep. That damn room was so hot so I opened the window and sat by it. And you know what? She quieted down." 

I hug the baby to me and smile. 

"She never cries on our walks," I add. Carl nods along with me, his train of thought chugging on parallel to mine. 

Meghan {c.g.}Where stories live. Discover now