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finn: what a beautiful weather it is! chop-chop mills, there's no time to be in bed today!

millie: it's raining finn

millie: and im sick

millie: how do you even know these things about me? are you some stalker?

finn: im just good at guessing

millie: obviously you are

millie: or then you're just a stalker

finn: maybe

millie: ugh, did u have something or ?

finn: no, just wanted to cheer you up, princess

millie: omg stop finn

finn: why? don't u like to be called princess? should i call you honey instead? or baby?

millie: you should call me millie

finn: well i won't! princess it is!

millie: ur annoying

finn: and u are sick. u should get some rest

millie: i was resting before u came to "cheer me up"

finn: oh no, princess is getting mad i see. this might be right time to leave

millie: yes it is

millie: bye

finn: goodbye, princess

what is going on, millie doesn't sound herself at all. is something wrong with her? and this chapter is sooo short but i'll try to make these longer. and please vote if u liked this.
- emilia

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