move to derry

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"Mom, you remember when I told you about Finn?" Millie asked her mom quietly so Chris couldn't hear her. He was yelling at Noah downstairs, probably because of something Noah didn't do but he blamed him anyway. He had been drinking today again, and that meant nothing good for Millie. Somehow Millie was the one who had to deal with his violence the most, he did hurt her mother and Noah too, but Millie got the worst.

"Yeah, I remember", her mom whispered. They were hiding from Chris in Millie's room. Millie felt bad for Noah, but her mom had made her leave him downstairs for her own safety.

"So, he is coming to Hawkins for this weekend", Millie said as she tried to hide the fear in her voice. Her mom took her hand and smiled.
"Okay. Can I meet him?"
"Uh, I don't know, maybe? I mean it's kinda hard thanks to Chris..." Millie whispered. Her mom nodded understanding, it was going to be hard to hide Finn from Chris, especially when Chris was so strict on what Millie did and where she was.

"Mom I... I've been thinking", Millie said and stopped for few seconds, she was scared to talk about Finn, but she still continued, "maybe me, you and Noah could move to Derry? Finn said that if we ever needed a place to go we could go to his. And if we get out quickly maybe Chris wouldn't find out-"
"Millie you know I can't", her mother whispered with tears in her eyes. Millie started to cry too, they were never going to get out of this house.

"But you can go and you should. Take Noah with you and go", her mom spoke little louder than before. Millie shoke her head, she couldn't leave her mom here, especially not now when she needed her.
"Does Finn love you?" That question made Millie's heart race even faster and a blush came to her cheeks.
"Yeah, and I think- I think I love him too", she said and hugged her mom.
"Then you should definitely go." Millie nodded hesitantly.

Her mother was pregnant and in a month Millie and Noah should have a little brother. Now she thought she could never even see him if she left, but she promised to herself and to the baby that she would find him. In few months? Probably not. In few years? Maybe. In ten to twenty years? That sounded realistic. Because if she left now, there would be no coming back, not for a baby brother, not for her best friends or mom who was in pain and in toxic relationship. Maybe after ten years she could finally come back to her mother with Noah or maybe her mother could move away from Chris. But everything was only "maybe". Maybe she managed to get out of that hellhole this weekend or maybe Chris would caught her and beat her up so bad that she couldn't possibly survive. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Nothing was one hundred percent sure, and Millie hated that.

yess i've been waiting to get here because not prolly next two or three ones, but after them comes the few chapters i've been waiting to get to write. i've been busy lately and sick so i haven't been able to write much but here is a little chapter. thanks for reading!
- emilia

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