im proud of u being dumb

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millie: hey

finn: oh my god millie r u alright????

millie: yeah finn im fine

finn: good i was so freaking scared that i cried all night

millie: really??

finn: yeah

millie: oh no finn im so sorry

finn: nah it's okay

finn: but seriously, why did u just leave?

millie: i was having a panic attack and shit

finn: oh, i hope ur feeling better now

millie: well im much better thanks to u

millie: it always lightens up my day to talk to u

finn: same here, mills

millie: im so glad u accidentally texted me that one day

millie: i have been so sad for years now and then u just walked in my life and

millie: boom, i have a reason to live

finn: im

finn: im glad ur feeling that way

finn: and im so very proud of myself for being so dumb and writing numbers wrong

millie: im proud of u being dumb too

finn: yay!! but guess what

millie: what?

finn: 8 days!!

millie: DUDE

millie: only 8 days??? this feels crazy

finn: yup

millie: finn i like you

millie: like REALLY much

finn: i like u too

finn: REALLY much

millie: i think

millie: finn i think i love you

read 6.50 pm

I fucked up. She buried her face in her hands, why did she even say that? Finn didn't obviously love her, he only liked her and would probably now leave her life as quick as he came. She tried to breathe slowly but it got harder when she realized she had just lost the only person who kept her alive. He was the only thing that made her want to wake up in the morning.

But she didn't cry. She couldn't. Tears didn't come even when she tried to cry. But no, no tears, not even a one. Usually she cried from less, and now when she lost her love, not even a one tear rolled down on her cheek so she thought she seemed like she didn't have emotions. Her phone rang and she was about to throw it away, but then she saw who was calling. Finn.

She quickly took her phone, took a deep breath, and answered.

"Hi Millie, I-"
"Whatever you have to say, say it quickly. I just want to get over you so-"
"What? Why would you wanna get over me?"
"Well you're obviously calling to let me know that you don't like me so much and that you're not coming here and-"
"Millie, I love you."

WHAT? HE LOVES ME TOO? Tears finally came and thank god they were happy tears. She couldn't believe this. Why would a boy like him love a girl like that? It just didn't make sense to her...

"What the fuck Finn, you scared the shit out of me! I was so sure that you were going to leave me!"
"I would never do that Mills."
"You better promise me that."
"I promise."
"Okay. Okay, I'll remember that till I die."
"Woah, I didn't realize a promise would last so long?"
"It does Finn. You can't take your words back now."
"Well I wasn't going to anyways."
"I have to go now Finnie, I love you."
"I love you too."

yessssss im gonna see love, simon tomorrow (not 100 % sure yet) FINALLY im so excited!! and thanks for reading and have a nice day!
- emilia

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