too good to be true

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finn: u guys ready?

millie: yeah

finn: see u in 10 at benny's

millie: okay

Millie lifted her head from her phone and gave Jaeden small smile. Jaeden's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head and he squeezed his hands.
"Millie, I think I'm going to cry", he said as he tried to breathe slowly.
"Why are you always such a... such a girl?" Millie asked him which made him lift his eyebrows. As strange as it sounds like, that seemed to relax Jaeden.
"Oh I'm sorry but I thought you were the one with vagina? I mean you don't always act like that but..." Millie hit him gently on his arm and Jaeden did the same but little harder.
"You're a bitch", Millie said.
"And you are a dick."

Millie and Jaeden held hands as they walked to Benny's. They always did that, and when some fuckboys tried to flirt with Sophia or Sadie, Jaeden would always act as if he was their boyfriend. That's what he was for them when they needed him. When girls needed to hug someone bigger than them, they went to Jaeden. When they needed a fake boyfriend to make other boys leave them alone, Jaeden was immediately on acting. And Jaeden being gay wasn't a problem on those situations since he hadn't come out yet.

Millie didn't really have those kind of problems. Boys didn't care about her, it was a miracle if they even looked at her. But that didn't matter to her, only men she needed in her life was her brother and best friend.

Then Finn came to her life and that kind of scared Jaeden. Of course he was happy for her and even relieved that she had finally found someone. But as much as he tried not to think bad about Finn, he couldn't get the thought of him breaking Millie's heart or stealing her from Jaeden out of his mind. It would kill her if he dumped her or cheated on her or whatever bad he could do to her. And it would break his heart if Finn took away his other soulmate. But still he knew those things wouldn't happen, Finn is a good guy, right? But there was always a chance and after all the bad things that had happened to Mills, the next one could break her.

"Mills, promise me that even if you fall in love with Finn and even if you marry him, you don't leave me. You're all that I have." Jaeden had taken her both hands on his and looked her in the eyes. He saw a bit of fear in them, but they still shined brighted than ever.
"Jae, I will never leave you. I love you and if I someday marry Finn, you and Wyatt can live near us or with us", she said gently.
"So you think that I will marry Wyatt?" Jaeden asked and hugged her.
"Well, if you're not dating him to marry him and to live with him as long as possible, you are dating him to break up. And I can see that you aren't just dating him to break up." Jaeden smiled to that, she was right. All the bad things, all doubts and overthinking left his head after those words. He was now sure that Millie wouldn't leave her and Finn wouldn't hurt her. And he was damn ready to meet the boy he loved.

He was scared and anxiety was burning inside of him, but he wasn't the only one. The three other teens were just as scared as he was, one of them maybe even more. Millie and Jaeden walked next to the diner's wall and since they didn't see Wyatt and Finn anywhere, they were in panic. Of course Finn and Wyatt wouldn't come, maybe they weren't in Hawkins at all. Millie had always thought Finn was too good to be true, and now she saw she was right.

But then she heard a someone calling his name.
"Millie? Is that... Are you..." The boy didn't seem to be able to get the words out so instead he walked over her, Wyatt right behind him. He felt his heart melting, she was even prettier than in the pictures. How was that even possible?

He felt a single tear on his cheek and a huge smile was on his face as he held her hands on his. Finally he was able to touch her and hug her after imagining for weeks what it would feel like. And it was hundred times better than he had thought.

"Why are you crying?" Millie was little concerned when the boy she loved cried the first time he met her.
"Well first of all, you are shorter than I thought and it's just sad", he joked and Millie sighed.
"Gotta say, you look more like frog than in the pictures and that takes a lot", she said in serious tone but right after they both laughed.

"But seriously Mills, you should get high heels", Finn said.
"I won't", she whispered and turned around to go inside the diner with a huge smile on her face. She felt truly happy and safe for the first time in five years. She finally had a reason.

oh my god i am finally free!! no school in 2 months and then i get to go to new school so yay life is good for a while. but thanks for reading and please vote if u liked this!
- emilia

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