i am your boyfriend

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millie: how did it go?

finn: ummm well

finn: i told him to stay away

millie: and?

finn: i said that if he doesn't i will beat him up

millie: oh god finn why

finn: he said he thinks you like him!

millie: what else did you say

finn: well he asked me how did i know u don't like him and i told him u have a boyfriend

millie: shit finn know he won't ever leave me alone

finn: and i told him i am your boyfriend...

millie: finn!

finn: what?

millie: why did you say that??

finn: i don't know any of your friends! what else i should've said?

millie: i don't know

millie: u could have just made up some name

finn: well i panicked

finn: im sorry mills

millie: it's okay...

millie: it's really okay i should be thanking you

finn: well umh you're welcome

millie: oh shit i forgot to call noah to pick me up

millie: i have to go, bye!

finn: noah?

oof i see that finn might be jealous... im at school atm and i could kms i hate this sm
- emilia

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