one lucky man

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finn: so

finn: tonight was... interesting...

millie: aahhhh stop it

millie: i will kill jaeden fr

finn: please don't! i would love to hear more stories when u were little

millie: oh u won't hear stories anymore

millie: i'll cut his tongue so he can't do gross things with wyatt either

finn: okay gotta admit they were gross

millie: yeah... thank god they left early

finn: yeah

finn: so what are our plans for tomorrow?

millie: well, i need time in the morning to do stuff

millie: like fight with myself if i should stay in bed or not

millie: and i can't leave too early because u know chris

millie: so if we could meet at 1? then i can be with you all day

finn: sounds good

finn: but what are we gonna do?

millie: idk, maybe we could go to see a movie?

finn: yeah! i remember u talked about infinity war like couple weeks ago...

finn: have u seen it yet

millie: no i haven't but how did u remember??

finn: i have good memory

finn: and i can always cheat by reading our texts

millie: oh, yeah

millie: but the movie starts at five

millie: what before that?

finn: maybe we could just walk around

finn: eat something and talk about life and shit

millie: sounds perfect

finn: just like ur voice

millie: oh fuck off

finn: seriously i wanted to marry u when i heard u speaking

finn: such a beautiful voice... and beautiful girl

finn: i am one lucky man

millie: eww don't make me love u more

millie: anygays it's late so

finn: yeah ur right

finn: we should sleep now

finn: sike im so going to talk to wyatt about ur pretty eyes for hours

finn: not gonna sleep

millie: whatever finnie but i need to sleep so i won't just yell to u all day

millie: goodnight finnie ❤️

finn: goodnight mills ❤️

so i was supposed to write longer chapter and it was supposed to be about when millie and finn were out but i just couldn't write it, writer's block u know, so this is the best i could do. but next chapter will be longer and the next day will prolly be two chapters. anyways thanks for reading and have a good day!
- emilia

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