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millie: i need help

finn: well hello to you too

finn: how can i help you

millie: how can i tell to a boy that im not interested in him?

finn: just tell him

millie: yeah but the thing is, i don't want to hurt his feelings

millie: and i am so shy that i can't even say a word to him f2f and im not going to tell him via message

finn: are you sure ur not interested?

millie: what? no!

finn: if ur shy around him...

millie: yeah im shy around everyone. and he is a fuckboy so i would never like him

finn: then what's wrong with hurting his feelings?

millie: i don't want him to ruin my life

millie: he has done that to some girls after they told him to fuck off

finn: im pretty sure that he doesn't even have feelings but

finn: just tell him you have a boyfriend

millie: but i don't and he would know if i had it's a small place

finn: but what if ur boyfriend lives in another state? what state do u live in anyways?

millie: indiana

finn: u gotta be kiddin

millie: no im serious

finn: i live in indiana too

millie: wait, really??

finn: yeah

millie: wow

finn: yup... but u should really just tell him that u have boyfriend in another state

millie: i'll try to talk to him

finn: and do it via message. he's a fuckboy so he's probably dumped girls via message too

millie: ur right...

finn: btw what is his name?

millie: jacob

finn: ughh jacob does sound like a fuckboy

finn: but i hope u can figure this out

millie: me too. thanks for the help!

finn: no problem mills

finn: just promise me you will talk to him

millie: i promise

millie: i have to go now, bye finnie!

finn: bye millie

i don't hate jacob i just don't like him being with millie. and i wanted to add him in this story so i could write more drama. but i hope u enjoyed this and be ready for the next chap!
- emilia

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