Chapter 3

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Hali was glad that he knew that Galaxia was safe and sound after years since he left her with her parents. But without him noticing, one of his brothers actually like Galaxy without them knowing and he's planning to tell her his feelings towards her. Backstage, she was getting ready and Hali went up behind her with a flower bouquet. But then, he saw one of his brothers talking to her. The minute he heard his voice clearly, it was TauTau.

"You wanna go out tonight?" he asked. Galaxia hesitated at first and saw Hali waiting for her. She excused herself and ran up to Hali. She was overly excited when he was around, but Taufan thought it was unfair. There, the rivalry between both brothers started off. The next few days were going just fine until one Friday morning, Thorn found out that Galaxy didn't show up to class at all that day. During recess, his brothers felt the same thing. They thought of many places at school she might be at and thought of the school gym where she normally has sword practises. As Hali stood up to go to the gym, Jun and Kairul came up to them, telling that Galaxia had a fever and stayed at home. Hali was surprised and asked if she was okay.

"That morning, her body was hot and her face was pale. She wanted to go to school but we stopped her from moving too much and told her to rest at home with her brother," Kairul told them. The word "brother" caught the Elemental brothers' ears and decided and to go their house later that evening. Jun said it's okay to visit when the two are done with training that evening since they lived together under one roof. That evening after school, Jun and Kairul waited for them to come meet the two at the gate. Once they were all there, Hali was eager to meet her immediately. The rest barely caught with him. Luckily, Kairul told him to slow down a little. When they reached home, Keithan saw the others coming and immediately went to greet them. They went inside to sit and talk for a moment then they went to Galaxia's room. Once they entered, they realized the air was filled with sakura scents and Galaxy was fast asleep.

"The doc said she might get better with sakura floral scent. So we got an air purifier with sakura's scent," Keithan explained to the others. The calm expression Galaxy put on her face reminded them about all the adventures they've been through before she lost her memories. Quake wanted to stay longer, but they'll have to go home early so they excused to leave except one of them refused to go. Thorn suggested that Hali should stay for the night and be with her until she's healed but then TauTau volunteered immediately. Both of the boys did so Kairul decided that Hali should stay. TauTau was disappointed but he still hid it with a fake smile, where actually he's wanting revenge.

It was almost 7 p.m. and Galaxia woke up from her sleep. She realized someone was holding her hand. By the second she turned, she saw Hali's face right in front of her. With his cap still on his head, Laxy giggled to see Hali asleep with his cap and took it off for him. She didn't realize the white strike on his head until the moment she felt head going all dizzy. Because of the unbearable pain, she moaned a little and ended up screaming in pain. Hali immediately woke up and wrapped her in his arms comforting her along the way. Jun heard her screaming and found Laxy crying in his arms and left the two alone. Hali calmed her down and eventually, she did. She was flustered and was shivering in fear. Jun came in after the commotion was over and asked to talk with Hali while Keith helps her to calm down. Jun asked him whether if he had been with Laxy before or not. His answer was yes. Jun got surprised and told him that the white streak on his hair is mysteriously helping her memories come back, despite the headaches she got earlier. Hali was shocked to hear what Jun mentioned and hoped if her memories would come back, but they'll have to wait till the right moment.

15 minutes passed and Galaxia was all calmed down. They managed to persuade her to eat something, but she said she lost her appetite. Keith was worried she get sick again if she does. So Hali decided to make something for her. An hour later and a fresh smell of macaroons filled the air. Laxy walked to kitchen and saw a platter filled with raspberry macaroons. At first, she didn't want to take a bite, but in the end she did. "It's... It's just like how I remembered it was..." she said. Hali realized that maybe her memory is coming back and he'll do anything to help her. After supper, they went to bed. Hali tucked her to bed and went for the door. But then he felt his shirt being pulled. He turned and saw Laxy with a red face, asking him to sleep with her. Hali lightly blushed and agreed to. Jun, Keith and Kairul peeked through the unlocked door seeing the cute couple together.

*Galaxia's POV*

My life is all filled with zigzags and crossroads of heavy traffic. But now, it seems like all those have been lifted of my shoulders by only one special person. Although I couldn't fully remember who he is but, I really, really trust him. Just like what Jun and Keithan once said about someone who had been together with me for years until the day he moved away. Now that I'm with him, could he really be the person that my parents frequently talked about? Could he really be the person who I was looking for? I hope it's a yes. I began to have warm feelings whenever he's around and that makes me glad. It makes me feel safer and much more protected. I want to be with him. I don't want anyone else, I only want him to be with me. I hope it could last long before I give out my last breath...

To be continued

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