Chapter 6

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The next morning

Galaxia: //yawns// What time is it...?

Jun: It's 8 am... You got yourself a fever, I guess. I called the teacher told her about our absence and the coach about it too.

Galaxia: Where's Keithan..?

Jun: They left for school earlier. Kairul's gone for his college application exam...

Galaxia: Hmm...

Jun: Do you want Hali to come visit again?

Galaxia: //slowly nods//

Jun: I knew you do. Maybe after school he'll be here. For now get some rest. I'll get you something to eat.

Galaxia: Ok...

//at school//

Thorn: //sigh//

TauTau: Where's Galaxia?

Thorn: She's sick.... Again..

Hali: //suddenly stood up// What... Did... You... Say...?

Thorn: Jun called the teacher earlier and said that she was sick. Man.. I had no partner for Maths class today.

Gempa: Dude... You okay??

Hali: Hmm

TauTau: I should give her a call-

Thorn: wait. I don't think she's on. Besides I contacted Jun earlier and said she had a high fever. Her body's all hot and she's sweating a lot.

TauTau: Hmm...

Hali: Do we have class after free lessons?

Gempa: Nope. Class is dismissed early and the teacher informed that we can go back during free class or after the last class before free class-

Hali: Great. I'm going to Jun's place while that.

Blaze: He's fast...

TauTau: Heh. //annoyed//

Ice: While you go to Jun's place, we're stuck at school 'til 4 pm

Thorn: :3 Well at least one of us needs to help Laxy gain back her memories. I mean we've met her for years now and I believe we should help her get her memories back.

Gempa: I agree with Thorn.

Blaze: Aight so it's settled. Gempa and Hali's class are out after the last class during free period, so one of them should go to Jun's place.

Hali: As I said, I'm going.

Gempa: We know Hali but we can't force her to remember so fast. We gotta give her time to think it out. Maybe sooner or later, her memories might come back. We need to give her time to realize.

Hali: Hmm..

Blaze: We know you missed her but trust us. She'll come back once she's ready.

Hali: Fine.

Thorn: If you go there, make sure you don't make her feel uncomfortable.

Hali: I won't.

//At the residency//

Hali: //knocks on the door// Jun?? Anyone home?

Jun: Coming!! //opens the door// Oh hey, Hali. I thought you were still at school at this hour.

Hali: We were given the chance to go home early so yeah.

Jun: So, let me guess. You came here to see her?

Hali: //nod//

Jun: Well then, come in. Make yourself at home. She's up in her room. Asleep, maybe.

Hali: Thank you. //went upstairs//

//In the room//

Galaxia: ...

Hali: //knocks, open the door// ...Galaxia..?

As Hali walked into the room, he saw Galaxia still fast asleep. He walked up to her and sat beside her. The sakura filled the air around them. Hali remembered the old times he had with her although she doesn't remember much. He sought the truth to find the ones who attacked although they were wolves but he had different perspectives. Despite the fact that before they were ambushed by the wolves they were silently attacked by someone far from beyond. He held her hand and gazed and her calm expression, feeling how much he missed looking at it.

Hali: ...

Jun: *knocks* Hali? I brought some snacks..

Hali: *walk towards the door, opens it* Thanks Jun..

Jun: No problem.

Hali: ...Do you think... That she'll forgive me... Even after the foolishness of mine almost ended up getting her to lose her memories?

Jun: Galaxia isn't the type who likes to get mad for no reason. If she does or doesn't remember, she'll know it wasn't your fault. Trust me. She'll forgive you.

Hali: But what if she doesn't?

Jun: That, I'm not sure but, if you try persuading her, she might probably understand. I know her, Hali. She isn't the type who likes blaming others for mistakes that werent their fault.

Hali: Hmm... Maybe you're right.

Jun: You knew her more than I do. You should've known more about her than me...

Hali: yea..

Jun: You should go to her... She might be happy to see you.

Hali: ... //looks at Galaxia, weak smile// .....I will

Hali sat on her bedside gazing at her calm experssion. He felt happy for once after years without her. He never felt happy and was always a hothead since he left her. Now that she's here, he vowed he won't let another soul take her from him again and from then on, he will do anything to get her memories back.

To be honest..... I'm a little less productive lately :D Sorry if the chapter's too short.

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