Chapter 7

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Gempa walks up to the house where the four lived because of his curiosity that Hali isn't back yet. His arrival was unexpected for Jun but she would knew why eventually and showed him Galaxia's room. When they opened the door, they saw the two, asleep side by side each other. Jun became really touched with the heart warming scene and Gempa gave out a smile. Galaxia slept in between Hali's arms where he hugged her.

Jun: Should we. Just leave them?

Tanah: Guess we should. It's been years since Hali last met her.

Jun: Yea...

Tanah: I'll head home.. I'll get Ochobot to send Hali's extra clothes later.

Jun: Alright I'll note that.

*Galaxia's POV*

I walked down an alley, which I was pretty unfamiliar with. The alley was quite dark and humid despite not a lot of sunlight would seep through the corners. The path kept on for minutes until I felt something wasn't right. It felt like someone was behind me. I increased my pace and began hoping it was just my imagination. I advised myself to not look back, but I did. The person was gone. My pace slowed until I realized I knocked into someone. My heart was pounding so hard, I couldn't stop trembling. I looked up and saw two eyes staring at me as the thunder struck in the sky. I was terrified. I jolted and stepped backwards quickly. The dark alley avoided me to see his face clearly and I began backing up. Twin swords connected to each other made me to panic more and the worst was when the sword began to be flowed with electricity. I walked backwards quickly until the thunder struck above him, giving him more power. I froze in my tracks.

Red eyes, a twin red sword, black and red clothes and there's only one person with these traits - it was Hali. He looked at me full of rage in his face and vengeance in his eyes. He lifted his sword and started attacking. I forced myself to move and run but he was too fast until he managed to pound me against the floor. His breathing turned heavy due to the chase and his hands grabbed mine, making me trying to set free relentlessly - he was too strong. I screamed out for help, as I noticed his hair was white and the streak on his hair turned black. The colours of his hair were reversed! I tried to let him go but his grip was too strong, i couldn't. I panicked and froze. I didn't what else to do, until I saw the thunder struck above him.

I jolted from the bed. My sweat flowing from my neck and my forehead. I turned to my side and realized he was still asleep. I still felt the chills from that dream I didn't dare to close my eyes again. I felt the adrenaline from the jumpy nightmare flow along my throat as I tried to calm down. I felt tears flowing down my cheeks. I sniffled silently, trying to avoid him from waking up. But I couldn't stop my tears from flowing. I sobbed in my arms as I hugged my knees.

*Hali's POV*

I woke up to sounds of someone sobbing. I thought it was a dream, but the moment I woke up, she broke into tears. I got worried and asked her. She didn't hear me at first, but by the second I sat closer to her and tapped her shoulder, she turned to me and cried. "Another nightmare?" She nodded. I hugged her closer and calmed her down, whispered soft words into her ears, being as gentle as I could to help. Eventually, it worked.

She leaned on my shoulder as I hovered her on my legs. I held her hand and rubbed my thumb over her soft hand, trying to calm her even more. She was sniffling a little but began feeling sleepy. "Sleepy, huh?" She nodded lightly against my shoulder.

"Get some sleep, sleepy-head. You're gonna need a lot of energy for tomorrow...,"


I felt as if the weight lifted off my chest as she slept peacefully in my arms. I never wanted to leave her even a second. I laid her down on her bed and tucked her in. I heard a knock at the door and left to open it.

Jun: Hey, had a good rest?

Hali: You can say that. It's been awhile since I've slept well.

Jun: That's good then. Oh yeah, Ochobot sent these over. Gempa came when you didn't return home.

Hali: Hmm..

Jun: What's wrong?

Hali: ...Gempa and I had an urgent call from our hometown. Our mom... Well... She was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with a sickness I cant make head and tails with. I wanted to bring her along-

Jun: I don't think you can.

Hali: Why not??

Jun: I've gotten a call from Keithan saying about the same thing coz Gempa told him everything. Bringing her back there might just give her more nightmares. I mean you've seen how sick she became ever since you appeared. Her memories might come back when she saw you, the main reason why she fell ill.

Hali: ...

Jun: I'm sorry but I can't help you this time.

Hali: It's okay. Our flight will be tonorrow since our Dad booked our tickets earlier this morning. //looked out the window then his watch// It's almost dinner time, I-I should go.. //hurriedly ran downstairs and out the door//

Jun: Hmm..

//The next day at school//

Laxy: Hm? Julia?

Julia: Yeaa?

Laxy: Where's Daun? I didn't see his brothers anywhere either..

Julia: Not sure. Let me ask Kim. //ran out//

Laxy: Alright.. //sat down, waits//

(A couple minutes later)

Julia: //pants// They're all gone back to their hometown.. They've boarded the plane early this morning.

Laxy: ....Wait.... what...?

Julia: //nod//

Laxy: ....

Julia: Don't worry, we'll stick by your side until they return.

Laxy: Really...?

Julia: Of course..

Kim: //walks up to them// As long as we can avoid Zee and her hooligans from bothering you.

Hani: Agreed.

Laxy: //weak smile// ....Thanks guys..

Julia: You're sitting with us for recess. If you don't, I'm gonna tickle you until you roll on the floor.

L, K, H: ^^"

Kim: The same old trickster Julia..

Julia: ÒωÓ

Laxy: I have no idea where you're going, Hali... But please... I hope you'll come back soon... //grips the hairclip Hali gave her//


Seems kinda bored coz I have no idea when was the last time I wrote a book.

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