Note: Incest and mature!!! If you don't like this kind of issue just don't read it and continue with your life...big hugs!!
Ming wakes up in the morning extremely excited because he remembers that today his brother will only have college classes in the morning and he will be released early from school too, it means that the two of them will be home at afternoon and he can finally spend time with his older brother, P'Kit. After getting up and having done his morning hygiene he leaves the room running to the kitchen for breakfast hoping to still find his brother at home, when entering the kitchen he collides with his brother already leaving with his bag and books.
Kit: OOi! N'Ming! Why all this rush? Don't run in the house! - Kit says with reproachful tone and makes an angry face, Ming always found the angry face of his brother very cute but as he always obeys him he apologizes.
Ming: P'Kit, you'll not have class at afternoon, right? Will you come back home stright?
Kit: It depends, maybe I have a study group after lunch, no one confirmed but as the exam is next week they will probably take advantage of free schedule today to study.
Ming realizing that she will not have a time alone with his brother, his has a change of mood and only nods as if he understood, Kit notices the change of mood and with the only free arm, hugs his brother and kisses his cheek.
Kit: I promise to come back before dinner, our parents are already out and will not arrive until tomorrow and I'm responsible for the meals here, your breakfast is on the table and lunch you just need to warm up, mom warned me that you will arrive early and will have lunch here . Am I not a wonderful brother? - Kit laughs and his dimples appear, kisses the other cheek of Ming and mess up his hair - Now I must go, see you later!
Ming grabs his cheeks and answer him in his head while see Kit get out of the house 'More than wonderful P'Kit'.
Ming is quite sociable but in fact has no real friends, only one, Wayo, who is always willing to listen to Ming talk about the wonderful brother he has. As soon as Ming enters the classroom he notices Wayo sitting and runs to sit next to his friend.
Ming: Ai'Yo! Good Morning! Want to go to my house at afternoon and play Xbox? I'm going to spend this time alone because of my brother who abandoned me to study with his friends! - Ming looks disappointed.
Wayo: It's amazing how you say something about your brother early in the morning. - laughs and reads the book he was reading before Ming messed it up - But okay! I'll go after lunch.
Ming laughs glad that his friend will keep him company and gives a tight hug and kisses Wayo's cheek where he immediately turns his head to the other side so him can't see his face that he believes to be red. The classes pass quietly and at the end of the morning the students are released, Ming says goodbye to Wayo and remembers the commitment at afternoon, Wayo goes away showing a sign of ok with the hand and disappears in the corner, Ming laughs at the strange behavior of his friend and he's on his way home.
At the end of the morning, Kit heads to the college canteen, and when he finds an empty table he sits down and sighs deeply, Beam, his best friend and confindent can see him and sit at the same table facing Kit and realizes that his friend is stressed and he bets that the reason for stress is not just the exam next week.
Beam: Ai'Kit, my friend, what happened to Ming this time? - bluntly Beam touches Kit's wound.
Kit: With each passing day it becomes harder to be the perfect picture of his older brother, the more he grows older I look at him with unclean eyes. Today he and I would stay home alone until tomorrow and when I thought about the torture that would be I made up that I would spend the afternoon studying here and already think about sleeping early after dinner. Ai'Beam, what do I do to stop thinking about my brother like that? He is 15 years old and I am 19, I should be the wiser but I am wrong here - Kit puts his head on the table and closes his eyes.

2 moons - AU
Roman d'amourJust anothers fanfics in an AU of 2moons Ghostships Mature Otp's One shots Controversial issues And everything that comes to my mind 555