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I still remember that day. Not much but some of it.

The bitter wind screamed in my ears and slapped my soft skin, engraving itself into my brain, settling in the thin creases of my brow. My glistening tears glided off my raw skin, setting into the cracks in my face. Hauling my bag, slipping, falling on the icy path while the twigs protruded my skin, prodding the weird specimen with their long fingernails, mocking me. The dark clouds guffawed above me and the ground below me grumbled, awaiting their prey.

I spotted the girl with platinum blond hair, it was hard to not spot her.

"Willow!" I shouted, ripping my lungs. The wind carried my voice and Willow's head snapped back and instantly she pursed her lips.

She sighed and smacked her palm to her forehead, she hissed "Why don't you have a coat?" Willow was fully equipped with a woolly scarf, woolly hat and hiking boots. I chuckled, dismissing her question. "Besides, your hair is so nice! I love the defined curls!" 

"Bless but I'm pretty sure I look like an old frog, no need to try and cheer me up." I gave a wary smile and took a look at her perfect platinum hairdo.

She stabbed me with her elbow and shook her head, "Your hair is one of a kind, beautiful. I'm slightly jealous." She shrugged her shoulders. 

We crossed the dented road to our college and she lectured me about not bringing in my coat with these conditions as "there is an extreme possibility that you could get sick, or worse, miss a day of school." She reminded me of Hermoine from the Harry Potter series with her soul-piercing glares every five seconds when I opened my mouth to object what she had stated. 

The door to our classroom stood ajar with the same squealing and shrieking that laced the room, coming from those that weirdly were able to come up with so much energy on a Monday morning. I groaned at viewing the wide eyes and mouths of my classmates, shouting and laughing. 

This was abruptly put to ease when a large whirring and groaning sound landed above our classroom and every head turned up to figure out what the deafening noise was. The excited faces slowly turned to faces of horror, we were all frozen in position when we heard the gradual noise of an object falling and the last thing I saw that day was Willow being blasted to the opposite side of the classroom, wide eyes locking,  her platinum hair flying and stained with red.

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