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My mind was numb and so were my lips. My throat tingled and my limbs were paralyzed.

I heard the faint concerns of 1215, "Isla are you okay?" "ARE YOU OKAY?" 

Slowly, I held myself up again and fought against my light-headed self. My throat unclogged and I screamed, "WILLOW?!"

I rapidly scrambled out of 1215's place with 1215 running behind me with wide eyes. I ran till my muscles screamed in unison and my lungs had a trace of oxygen left. I was starved of oxygen and heart pleaded to stop. I had finally reached the yard in the centre.

Willow was there, screaming with wide eyes, spit flying everywhere. Her hair was a mess, dirty and tangled. She was pinned down by guards, her legs flailing everywhere.

I couldn't help but speak up, "Willow!"

Her body stopped shaking and her head whipped towards my direction. She mouthed "help me". I pushed my way through the crowd and guards stepped in front of me.

"That's my best friend, don't you dare hurt her or I will do the same thing to you." I growled, at the six foot, bulky man. That was a mistake. His fist swung to my cheek but I ducked. He was startled but then kicked my face and I was greeted with ringing in my ears and my vision turned white. I felt blood trickle down from my mouth and I laid on the hard ground. Willow's screaming returned but louder.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?" A loud voice boomed and Willow stopped screaming. My vision was still white and I couldn't move.

"They were truant, sir." A deep voice replied.

The loud voice stepped in front of my face, causing dust to go up my nose.

"Take her to her room. Clean her. Feed her. Teach her."

"But sir-"

"I saw everything. She might be the one."

Abruptly, two large hands grabbed my arms and hauled me away. 

Soon something was held to my hip and sent electric across my body. I was too weak to scream.

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