A call

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Omg my god I am soooooo sorry for not updating for so long!!! I completly forgot about this story. I will update alot more starting to day. I love you dont hate me!! i apoligize for any typos.~

I woke up around 11:30 and Jimmy was still asleep. I checked my phone, it had tons of missed calls and texts from my dad. I went to the kitchen to find some food and Jimmy's mother was sitting at the kithchen table. "Hillary, Jimmy told me everything. If you ever need a place to stay you're welcome here."

"Thanks I'll keep that in mind."

"I'm going to the store, you want anything?"

'Umm, no thanks" She grabbed her keys and left. Around noon Jimmy woke up. "Where's mom??"

"Store"  he nodded and made himself cereal. I watched him scarf it down like a little piglet and laughed. "You wanna watch a movie Hill?"

"Yea" We went in the living room and he out on 21 Jump Street. Half an hour into the movie i got a call. I didnt reconize the number. Jimmy paused the movie and i answered. "Hello?"

"Is this Hillary Ross?"


"Hillary? This Is your Grandmother."

"Gr-Grandma??!" I hadn't heard that voice since i was ten years old. After mom died. I watched my dad brutally murder her. Thats the night i got seven stitches on my head. "Hillary, your Father is in the hospital."

~cliff hangerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha who wants to help me name Jimmy mom?? Lets give granny a name too!

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