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Hillary's POV

"Hillary, you're father is in the hospital."

"Wat happened??"

"Well. When you didn't come home last night he got mad. He was drunk and he crashed in some woods. The car was totaled. He broke three ribs. He wants to see you."

"No!! He's gonna hurt me again!!" I began to sob. Jimmy wrapped his arms around me. "No, don't cry sweetie!!! I'm already here, I won't let him touch you. Besides he's tired and the very worst he can do is yell."

"Ok grandma. I'll be there soon. I love you bye."

"I love you too, sweetie. Goodbye." I hung up the phone. Jimmy let me go and stood up and grabbed my car keys. "Where ya goin Hill?"

"That was my grandmother. My father is in the hospital. I'm going to see him. You coming?"

"Yea! You're not going alone." We got in the car and I started it up. The hospital is about twenty minutes from Jimmy's house. When we arrive my grandmother is waiting for me in the lobby. "Grandma!!"

"Hi baby!! I haven't seen you in years!!" She held out hers arms. I ran straight into them. We hugged for a long time. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you it Hillary. Who is this young man."

"This is Jimmy. My boyfriend." Jimmy held out hugs hand and she shook it. "It's very nice to meet you ma'am."

"It's nice to meet you too dear. We'll we might as well go see your father, Hillary." I nodded. She led us the the elevator. She took us to room 227 B. He was sleeping. I shook him a little. "Where the hell have you been!? Look wat you did to me bitch!!!" I couldn't speak I was scared. I hid behind Jimmy. "Don't hide behind him you bitch! Get your ass out here where I can see you." I began to cry. My grandmother stood up from the chair she was sitting in. She's the only person he's ever respected and the only women he'll take orders from. She smacked him in the face. "Don't you talk to my baby that way!!!" He looked shocked. "Yes ma'am. And you, little whore! You are not to stat in that house while I'm gone. Do you hear me!?" I cried more. "DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

"Yes!" I ran out if the room. Grandma and Jimmy followed. "I think it may be best if you leave now Hillary. Do you have a place to stay."

"She's staying with me."

"Ok I'll call if something happens." We got in the car. Jimmy drove. He took us to KFC. We always share one of the meals. So we go tone of those and to Dr. Peppers. We got home and the door was unlocked. "Must be Billie. He texted me at the hospital. He is drunk though."

"He's gonna have a hang over tomorrow and we got a big math test."

"Sucks for him." We got inside and he was watching tv and didn't look up. "Hey Beej." No reply. Jimmy went to the bathroom and as soon Ashe did Billie looked over at me pervertedly. He got up and pinned me against the wall. "Billie please stop." He shushed me and started kissing my neck. "Billie stop." He moved his hands all over my body. "Jimmy!! Help me!!!" I screamed. He came running. He pulled him off me. I cried. He punched him several times in the face. Then locked him outside. He held me as I cried. We watched my favorite movie Finding Nemo until. I fell asleep.

Billies POV

Wat was I thinking!! How could I do that to Hillary. I have a huge crush on her but she's Jimmy's girl. Man, I bet he hates me. That wasn't the real me. It's just, I'm really drunk. Now I have to walk home. That should be fun. I'm a dingus!!! How are you gonna weasel out of this one Billie?


There you guys go. I'm not sure if people are actually reading and are interested. Soooo.......comment? Let me know. I try to update often as I can. I just got my school iPad so I should be able to more often. Tell me wat you think!!

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