Chapter fourteen

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A week later

Lucas' pov

I haven't been myself lately. Maya's not around as much as before and my late nights doesn't make it any better.

There is still no trace of Jason. His disappearance is just like a crime movie, and no one care.

My parents are in California for some business meetings. I'm totally alone.

"What's wrong?" The girl asked when she recognized that I stopped my movements. I was at a bar, drinking my emotions away.

"I'm not feeling it tonight.." I mumbled and took her off my lap. She whimpered and squealed.

I fix my shirt and stood up. The room was spinning, and it felt like I was at sea. The girl took my face in her hands and kiss my lips.

I pushed her off me. "Not now. Bye." Was all I said and walked away. I stumbled my way outside and rubbed my eyes.

I was sure as hell getting out of control.


I reached my house and fumbled in my pockets to find my keys. "What's up with me..." I asked and chuckled at myself.

The lock turned and I opend the door. I got inside and took of my jacket and shirt. I don't really know why.

I walked into the living room while rudding my eyes. I couldn't but do it all the time, thinking it would take my dizziness away.

But as I reached the dark room I almost shit myself when I saw Maya sitting on the coach. "Maya?" I said in shock. She smiled and walked up to me.

"What are you doing here? Now? What time is it?" I asked and tried to look a little more sober than I was. She chuckled and took my hands.

"It's just passed midnight." She said and I looked at the beautiful face of hers. "I'm sorry to come now, I just had to see you." She said.

"Why? Has something happened?" I asked and she walked us over to the coach.

"I'm pregnant.."
spun around in my head, but it wasn't true.

When we sat down, she looked at me kindly. A smile cracked on my face because I got to see her again.

"I'm going home to New York for some weeks. Meeting up with Riley and such. I just wanted you to know." She said and her eyes sparkled.

I didn't answer because I was to busy admiring her. "Lucas?" Her voice cracked of concern. "Yeah, sorry. I'm a little drunk." I snapped out of my dreamworld and finally answered.

"I can see that." She giggled and smiled at me. "Well, I guess I should leave. James is waiting for me." Maya said and stood up.

I grabbed her wrist. "Call me before you leave. I would like to say goodbye." I said stood up as well.

"I will, Huckleberry. Now get some sleep and sober up." She said and patted my chest.

I nobbed and she left. "I really love her." I mumbled and fell down onto the coach, falling asleep at once.


Maya's pov

James and I was standing, well tripping, outside the gate at the airport. I was calling Lucas non stop, but he didn't pick up.

James was getting annoyied and told me to give it up. "Just one more try.." I begged and he rolled his eyes.

I finally reached Lucas and he was clearly in a hangover. "Hey." He mumbled, but tried to sound awake.

"Lucas, I'm leaving in like five minutes. You better get that thick ass of yours here, because I won't leave before you hug me." I whisper snapped at him.

He got all silent. "What is it?" I asked. "I'm coming right now." He said in a stern tone. I heard him grab his jacket and lock the door.

"No!" Lucas shouted through the phone as I heard him bang his fist against something. "I can't drive. I'll...Just run." He said.

"Whatever you do, jut come before my plane leaves." I said and we hung up. I hope he makes it.

I mean, I really can't leave without saying goodbye to him. I miss his protective arms holding me. I miss his lovely green eyes and beautiful face. I miss him.

I bite my lip and walked over to James. "You got him?" He asked and I nobbed. He tried to hug me, but I didn't feel like doing it now.

"You know, when you get back, we can have some fun, just you and I.." James smiled and took my hand. I just smiled and thought of Lucas.

"I would like to watch that new movie, Truth or Dare." I said trying to seem like I actually paid attention to him while I was looking for Lucas.

And then finally my eyes met his. I exhaled deeply. "Huckleberry." I whispered. I smiled and ran up to him. I jumped into his arms and smiled into the crock of his neck.

"You made it." I said. I don't really get why I got so extremely happy for this, it just felt like forever since last I saw him. "I like hugging you." He said and smiled as we pushed away.

"You excited? To see Riley and the NY peeps again?" Lucas asked and I got so smiley. Just because of seeing him act like him again.

"Yes, I look forward to it." I said and bite my lip.

"All passengers, plane CF543 is ready for boarding. Please got to your gate. Have a good time at our plane and we hope you look forward to go to New York." A male voice said over the speakers.

Both Lucas and I tried to smile as convincing as possible. "Bye Lucas." I said and let go of his hand. He just hugged me again.
"Be careful." He said.

"Oh, my Huckleberry." I snobbed as our eyes met. "You're making this so hard."

"I'm not." Lucas voice cracked and I chuckled. "Now, go. Before you miss it." He chuckled too.

I nobbed and started to walk backwards over to the gate. I waved at him as the crowd slowly started to cover up the halls, and soon it was like he never had been there.

I made my way to the plane. Let myself rest against the window, watching the sky as they passed by.

I thought about Lucas and I. James and I. I thought about Jason. That poor little boy. Even though I never met him or anything, I kind of miss him.

I'll find him for Lucas. Make him happy and then maybe all this back and fort stuff can stop, because I don't know how much longer I can take it.

I want him. I want .....

A/n: who should she want and end up with??

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