Chapter four

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Author's pov

Maya woke up late. After rubbing her eyes and rolled around in the bed for a good thirty minutes, she decided to get up.

Maya didn't knew Texas that well yet and wasn't really excited about her day off work.

As she brushed her teeth she decided to call her best friend, Riley Matthews, and see if there was any relatable news to get.

"PEACHES!" Riley screamed through the phone and smile the biggest smile of all time. Maya smiled and jumped into the bed.

"It's nice to hear you again Riles." She smiled and cuddled into the covers. "So, how's Texas?" Riley asked and Maya could hear someone in the back.

"It's great, pretty lonely.. I can't hear you're not lonely at least." She raised an eyebrow at her best friend. "It's just Farkle.." Riley blushed.

"So you're guys are finally together?" Maya asked with a smiled. "He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday morning." She answered and blushed even more.

"How cute. I'm happy for you!" Maya said. "But how about you? Any handsome guys in Texas." Riley winked at her.

"Very funny. You see Riles, there's not everyone that has time for such stuff right now." Maya answered and Riley raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, you got me." Maya said and Rikey smiled. "There is this awesome guy named Lucas-..." "Lucas? Oh, I can tell he's handsome." Riley cut me of.

"Super handsome. Tall, dirty blonde and green eyes. Amazing personality.." Maya smiled and blushed.

"But?" Riley asked knowing it was something more. "Some of the first stuff I heard when I got here, was about a little boy who's missing." Maya said and Riley gasped in shock.

"And Lucas is his dad." Riley gasped even louder. "Oh gosh.." she said. It went quiet for a while.

"And people have told me not to fall for him. Not now." Maya said to break the silence.

"Have you fallen for him?" Rikey asked.

"Not yet." Maya answered and bute her lip. "I don't think I have time too..."

"Well, Maya, I want you to have some fun. So, now go out there and live life. I love you, bye!" Riley said and hung up.

Typical her. She always hung up fast when she knew Maya was not going to agree with her. But this time she did.

It was already a litte after afternoon, so Maya ran to the bathroom to fix up.

Applying only a little with make-up and brushed her hair, she put on some normal clothes and grabbed her phone.

She was heading out. Actually.


Maya didn't know Texas that well and ended up fumbling around trying to figure where stores and such was.

"If I had been smart, I would hire a someone to show me around." She chuckled to herself and continued down the street.

Lucas pov

My usual nights. Walking around. Hoping to find my son. I do always know I won't, but I cannot not try to. I may have lost all hope, but I love him to much to let go.

The streets were busy. Drunk teenagers dancing down, jumping and grinding on one another.

I made my way through the crowded area, but as I looked back to see where they all were heading, I bumped into something. Or more correct, someone.

"I'm so sorry." I said, before I looked up to see who I'd bumped into. And it's was no one else than the beautiful Maya Hart.

"What are you doing out here so late?" She asked and smiled at me. "I thought I was the one who should ask that." I smiled back. Losing my mind as my eyes met hers.

"Well..." she mumbled searching for her words. "Lost your voice, Maya?" I asked and she chuckled sarcastically. "No actually I was hoping to bump into you. That's why I'm out here." She looked around and I was taken by shock.

"...freezing my ass off for a guy I barely know, but have fallen so hard for." She finished and met my eyes. We just stood there. Looking at each other.

"Is that so?" I asked and smiled big. She nobbed her head and her blonde cruls fell in front of her face.

I pushed them back and hold her cheek.

"Come. I'll show you around." I said and took her hands in mine. "You don't need too. I bet you have better things to do than walking around with some shorty." Maya blushed and looked me in the eyes.

"I can do that while I show you around. Come!" I said and pulled her with me. She giggled the most beautiful giggled I've ever heard.

We walked side to side down the streets and you could see how cold it was when we breathed out.

"You know that building over there..." I said and pointed at a white house, "..some people claim they saw Adele in there once." I finished and smiled.

"Stop joking with me." Maya hit my arm and I took the chance to put it around her, pushed her into me.

"It's cold out here.." she mumbled and crossed her arms in an attempt to keep the warm she had. "I'll follow you to your place." I said as we stopped.

"Can't we go to your place? I don't like my neighborhood." She said. "Whatever you want." I smiled at her.

"Don't say that. It make me sound like some spoiled little brat." She chuckled and tripped a little.

"Well, I have to inform you... my house is far from cleaned and it's not fancy at all." I told her.

"My dear Huckleberry, then you haven't seen my apartment. It's cold and lonely." She said.

We chuckled.

"Well, whenever you're there in your lonely and cold apartment, you should give me a call. I'll come keep you with company till you don't want me there." I smiled at the stunning angel in front of me.

"So, forever then?" She giggled.

"Whatever you want."

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