Chapter twenty eight

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Do not read the last part of this chapter if you're under the age of twelve
Who am I kidding, you'll read it anyways.

Maya's pov

I was staring out in the room. Lost in my own thoughts. They are hard to understand. They're not mine after all.

I jumped when the door suddenly opened up. Lucas rushed inside, covering his face. He walked fast by.

"I'm going upstairs." Was all he said as he passed.

I felt bad. It hit me deep in my heart. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his masculine body.

He sniffled softly, but didn't hug back. He just stood there trying to stop the tears from falling down from his green eyes.

"Lucas... I..." I said as I pushed away. He looked up, away from me. Avoiding any kind of contact.

He swallowed thickly.

"I'm going to take a nap." He said and turned away. I saw he dried his tears as he walked to his bedroom.

"Lucas!" I said. He met my eyes, which was tearing up too now, and clenched his teeth.

"Sorry." I said.

Lucas broke eye contact and nobbed before he shut the door behind him.


I grabbed my last things and looked over the room. I nodded to myself before walking out. Lucas has been asleep or at least in his room since he came back.

I'll miss him. Truly. Even though I don't remember us, I can feel us. Our connection.

I carefully opened up his bedroom door and looked inside. He was asleep in his bed. His face was sweaty from all the crying.

"I lov-..." I couldn't finish the sentence. It wasn't me talking. It was Maya.

I looked at him. Admiring how peaceful he looked. I let my last tear fall down before I closed my eyes as I closed the door.

I walked to the livingroom with my bag and looked around. I saw me, Lucas and Jay here. We were happy.

I wish for it to be true.

My eyes traveled carefully around, taking in everything. I looked at the wall with pictures and suddenly I recognized a photo.

It was Jason with a dog. He was younger than he is now. I've seen it before.

"How could I ever hurt you?" I said and started to cry again.

"Maya?" A voice said.

I didn't look. My attention was grasped by the photo.

"Maya?" It was Lucas.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and dried my tears. "What?" I tried to smile.

He looked at my bags and then at me. "What are you doing?"

My tears pressed on. I try as hard as I could to hold them, but I couldn't. I was out of words, and couldn't see any other way than to tell Lucas the truth.

"I was going to leave.." I sobbed and rubbed my eyes. "I was going to disappear from your lives, but this picture... I looked at it and recognized it."

Lucas was tear up as well. He stepped a little closer. "Leave? Why?" He stuttered.

"I see how I keep on hurting you. I'm causing you pain because I'm not the one you love. I'm not Maya, I'm not the girl you love, I just look like her." I started, sobbed at every word.

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