3: Meeting the Members

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Tsukino's POV

The sunlight beamed through the windows and I stretched out my back. As usual, I didn't sleep, since it would cause problems with chaos.

I was used to it by now and I didn't get bags beneath my eyes because the watching the moon puts me into a trance-like state.

I got up, changed, and strapped my kunai holster to my right thigh, completing my new shinobi outfit. I studied myself in the bathroom mirror. My outfit was mainly black, with grey at the hems. It was typical shinobi wear.

I walked back into the room and saw Usagi still on the bed, snoring pretty loudly. I giggled and crept up to her.

"Boo!" I shouted into her ear, causing her to jump up, looking around wildly. Seeing it was only me there, she glared at me. "What was that for?!" she asked me, in an attempted scary voice.

This caused me to chuckle and pat her head. "Sorry, just waking you up. You looked really cute like that, though." Usagi scowled at my comment, but didn't add to it.

"Speaking of, we should probably get ready. We need to meet the other members!" I tried to cheer. Usagi's face glowed in happiness and she practically bounced out of the bed.

Konan lead us to the meeting room, which has a circular wooden table and wooden chairs surrounding it. There were also people sitting in chairs, and all of them seemed pretty weird, but that doesn't matter!

Pein started our introduction, "Everyone, these are our two newest members, they have talent, and we will help them train that talent. Their names are Tsukino and Usagi."

I took his pause to examine the other members. One had piercing red eyes, another looked like a shark, one was a stripper, one looked to be colorblind, one had an orange lollipop mask, one had long blond hair like a girl, one had almond eyes and didn't seem very human, one was black and white (not being racist!) and had a venus flytrap thing, one looked like a snake, and one had silver hair in a low ponytail and wore round glasses.

Pein gave us all of their names in the order they were in, "Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, Hidan, Kakuzu, Tobi, Deidara, Akasuna no Sasori, Zetsu, Orochimaru, and Kabuto Yakushi."

"Orochimaru and Kabuto, you are not to perform any experiments on them or give them the curse mark. Understood?" They both nodded, though Orochimaru still eyed us like a dog eyes a juicy steak. This will not end well.

Everyone got settled, and it turned out I would be learning kenjutsu from Kisame first, and Usagi would be learning genjutsu from Itachi. We didn't want to be separated, so we took the training with partners at a time.

This will definitely be interesting.



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