Part 2: Silver

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Draco's Pov

I appear just inside the Leaky Cauldron and have to quickly move aside as a two drunk men run past me. I keep my head down and my blonde hair covered by a cloak as I walk to the back of the bar and out the door. I pull out my wand and tap the brick third up and two across from the rubbish bin.

I walk quickly up the street until I reach Flourish and Blotts I walk through the swinging door just as two witches exit. I recognize them as Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patil, they also seem to recognize me and each gives me a nasty look. I pull my hood farther over my face turn to face the immense shelves. I grab my necessary books: An advanced guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch, Numerology by the Number by Quentin Spore, The Potioneer's tome of Drafts and Elixirs by Saraphina Hawk and An Expert Encyclopedia of Charms and Spells by Arsenious McGosh.

"All these please," I say putting the stack of books on the counter. The shopkeeper looked up and me.

"Is that all you will be needing Mr.Malfoy?" The few wizards in the store turn and stare. I look down at the counter.

"Yes, thank you," I say pulling out my money bag.

"I just received an order for The Death Eaters Unmasked: a tale of the dark lord's most trusted by Reta Sketa. Would you like a copy? I'm sure your father's mentioned, it was only written last week." I few of the store goers snicker.

"No thank you," I say trying to hold my head high.

"Very well, Three galleons, twenty-two sickles and five knuts." After leaving the bookstore I head down the street to look at robes. I make my purchase of two new sets of everyday robes and a new Slytherin tie before heading back towards the Leaky Cauldron.

Upon reaching the manor I walk into the silent hall and head up to my room. The manor seems eerie without the knowledge that elves are cooking or cleaning somewhere. I pack my remaining things and shut my trunk. I pick up my wand and glancing at the handwritten scribble of my own spell taken partially from Tergeo and part from Repello to form Retergello, which I speak to the empty manor. The spell is meant to keep the manor clean while I'm at school as if elves will still be here. I place my wand back in my pocket satisfied with my work just as I hear the front door crash open.

I stand perfectly still for a moment before walking out of my room brandishing my wand. My room is on the third floor and I have to walk down a flight of wooden stairs before reaching the second floor. I turn the corner towards the marble staircase my heart beating hurridly. Then I hear my father's cold voice shouting in anger.

"Peaches!" He calls loudly.

"Peaches! Blast where is that elf!" He bellows and I get a sick feeling in my stomach when I hear his portrait answer him.

"She's gone, her and all the other elves, the boy dismissed them all." A silence like death sweeps over the hall. I strain my ears trying to hear him coming. I hear nothing so step out from behind the corner onto the topmost stair but see no one near my father's portrait.

"Looking for me boy?" Says My father, I whip around gripping my wand tightly but I'm too late he's already given me a shove. I feel myself lose my balance and begin to fall backwards down the marble staircase. My one and only instinct is to protect my head, so as I fall down the stairs my body is bashed against many steps but I manage to keep my head and neck protected. I reach the bottom in a heap with my wand being picked up by my Father near the top of the stairs. It had slipped from my hand during my fall.

"You know better than this Draco, Your Mother would be so disappointed."

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