Part 5: Silver

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Draco's Pov

I wake the next day to the sound of the metal hinges of the heavy wooden basement door opening. I grunt in pain as I lift my head out of the pool of blood I'd fallen asleep in. 

"I'm hoping you've learnt your lesson because it would be a shame for you to miss the train to Hogwarts." He says walking closer to me. I pull myself to my feet trying to ignore my back screaming in agony at the long bloody whip marks. 

"Go to your room get your trunk and leave my house but I will expect you home for Christmas." He says letting a hand fall on my shoulder. I shudder at his touch but walk up to my room. It's half-past ten in the morning when I get out of my much-needed shower. I look at myself in the mirror a towel tied around my waist. I have deep cuts on my face and as I turn to look at my back I see the whip marks and I look at them it's as if I can visualize every blow. I grab my wand and begin to utter spells that will remove every cut and bruise on my face. My Mother taught these spells and used them on me when we had to go out in public. Since I am now of age I don't have to worry about using my wand or apparating. 

"Have a good term Draco. I expect your grades to be higher than that muggle born's."  Says my father as I pull my trunk behind me down the hall leading to the front door. The front doors swing open as I approach them and once past the gate to my manor I disapparate. 

I walk right past the compartment filled with Slytherins and find a seat in an empty compartment. I am already wearing my school robes so won't have to change somewhere else with the risk of a person walking in and seeing my back. My back hurts so severely that I rest my head on the cool glass of the window.   

"Oh look it's the great Death Eater Draco Malfoy." Says Weasley after opening the compartment door. 

"Shove off Weasley," I say in too much pain to clap back at his insult.

"Ron, let's just go find another compartment," Says Granger to the redhead but Weasley ignores her. 

"Hey, ferret, did your dad really kill your mom or was it you?" I stand, grab my trunk and leave, making sure to bump into Wease on my way out. Of course, it was my Father that killed my Mother. They had gotten into a fight over changing our views on muggles and my Father had pushed her ruffly into the pond.  He thought that she would get up on her own but she hit her head on a rock, fall unconscious and drowned. My Father hasn't yet shed a single tear for her. 

I find another compartment as tears silently fill my eyes.  I cry quietly most of the way to Hogwarts.  

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