Part 12: Silver

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Draco's Pov.

I spent the first week at school avoiding people. It worked out fairly well other than the daily glares. Most people seemed to think I should be in Azkaban or that I was somehow partially responsible for the deaths of their loved ones. I lost my own fair share of family members including my Uncle, Cousin and her husband. At least those are the family members I wish hadn't died. I wish my Aunt Bellatrix had been killed but at least she's in prison. My family tree seemed to be rotting from the inside out and even when noble branches grew the other rooting ones quickly cut it out.

"Hey Malfoy, I bet you wish D.A.D.A was still just the Dark Arts." Says one Griffindoor seventh year, sneering as he and his friends pass me in the hallway. As always my expression remained neutral. "You need to appear strong," Said my father. "Even though you aren't. A Malfoy does not cry when he is beaten, he takes it like a man." He said darkly as he raised the whip again. I shudder at the memory and quicken my steps to take me farther and farther away from the Gryffindor boys. I am braver by far than them.

The bell rings to signal the end of the Slytherin eighth year's Transfiguration class. Everyone begins to pack their bags but McGonagall calls out over the noise. "Malfoy a word." So after packing my bag and as the last student walks out the door I walk up to McGonagall's desk.

"Yes Professor?"

"You seem pale, are you ill? Should you go perhaps to the hospital wings." She says sounding worried.

"No need to worry I was just up late last night rewriting my essay on Dragon's blood for Professor Slughorn," I answer quickly.

"Very well then, don't be late for your next class." She says and I give her a curt nod. I rush off down the corridor hoping to be early to Potions. Professor Slughorn had promised me an extra credit essay if I went to speak to him before class.

Just as I'm heading down the passage towards Potions I spot Potter, Weasley and Granger heading in the same direction. I immediately speed up and make it to Slughorn's desk before they've even entered the room.

"Yes, Mr.Malfoy I will give you extra credit if you come top in this project I'm about to assign. But now, I am about to assign the project." Says Slughorn before I've even opened my mouth. A smile appears on my face as I take a seat near the front of the class. Unsurprisingly no one takes the seat beside me. Professor Slughorn calls for silence and the class settles down.

"If you would first please take out your essays on Dragon's Blood so I may collect them." He waves his wand and the fifteen or so scrolls fly through the air and land in a neat pile on his desk. "Now I have something rather exciting today. Over the next month, you will be working with a partner on a stupendously difficult potion. You will be expected to write an essay on the potion's history and maker and as the final step create the potion yourselves. Now, these will be your partners and the potion you are creating. You may notice that your partner is neither in your house or of the same gender." Near the end of his speech, Slughorn waves his wand at the blackboard and a list of names appears coupled with the potion the pair would be working on. My eyes flick down the list till I find my name.

Malfoy Granger Vampirical Remogrification

I sigh, Slughorn really must hate me. Several people in the class groan and Slughorn's joyful smile disappears. "Now find your partner's you have the rest of class to begin forming a plan." He says waving his hands around to get us to move. I refuse to budge so Granger eventually walks over and places her heavy looking book bag on the ground. We sit in silence for several moments as the rest of the room begins to fill up with noise. Granger eventually speaks.

"Do you want to start on the history portion of the essay and I can begin with the maker then we can put the two together afterwards?" She asks sighing as she begins to pull out a quill and parchment. I do the same before also pulling my potion book out of my bag. For the rest of the class, I spend my time looking through my text for the potion and writing any relevant information down.

Near the end of the lesson, I take my list of ingredients for the Vampirical Remorgrification over to the storeroom and run over the list to see which ingredients we would have to request from the staff supplies. As I'm looking up vampire venom Weasley walks over to me.

"Hey, Farret." He says cheerfully before giving me a shove. I get to my feet amidst the boxes of plants and herbs in the storeroom but before I'm able to shove Weasley back he slams shut the storeroom door. I hear him fasten the lock and laughing walk away. The storeroom is down the hallway from the potion's classroom and no one would be able to hear me if I yell.

"Stupid Weasel," I say to myself pulling out my wand. With one flick of the wrist the door bursts open.

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