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BELLA was now at the Rez more than Margo

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BELLA was now at the Rez more than Margo. Sometimes Margo would trek down the beaches and find the brunette already there, working on those damn bikes with her boyfriend. Margo wasn't jealous; more so that she thought everything was now out of place. In her hectic life full of college prep and studying, Margo tried to fit a chunk of her week into visiting Jacob. Now it seemed that whenever she was there, it was Jacob and Margo and Bella time. She loved Bella – she really did – but Margo was starting to feel unwanted.

She would usually sit in the hay by the corner of the garage, studying for her next test or reading a book. Bella sat on a stool next to the motorcycles, handing Jacob tools when he needed them. Margo watched from afar, peering over the edge of her book. She would sigh, wishing that she was watching a campy horror movie and kissing her boyfriend during those moments. Regardless, Bella hanging around the Rez allowed her to become acquainted with Embry and Quil. Embry, however, was barely around anymore as it was.

During an afternoon that was full of drizzle, Quil visited Jacob's garage to see how the bikes were coming along. "These look awesome, Jake!" He exclaimed, eyeing the repaired engine. "Nice handiwork. Which one of your girlfriends helped you with this?"

That statement made Margo look up from her book. Bella was hitting Quil's arm with a playful expression as Margo's brow creased. "Shut up, Ateara," Margo muttered, throwing her textbook inside her backpack.

"Yeah, what she said," Jacob agreed as he hooked his arm around his girlfriend. "Shut up, Ateara."

Bella crossed her legs on the stool. "Well, if you don't mind, Quil, me and Jake have to get back to building."

"Whatever," Quil scoffed, heading out of the garage.

Margo bit her lip as she swung her bag over her shoulder. Jacob watched her pack up her things with a confused expression. As Margo pulled her gray hoodie over her head and tied the strings, she said, "I'm actually gonna go take a walk with Quil. That Trig textbook is making my brain hurt."

Despite Jacob's wandering thoughts, he knew Margo wouldn't answer his questions until they were alone. He planted a kiss on her cheek as she passed and asked, "Are you coming back for dinner?"

Margo nodded quickly before sprinting out into the light rain. She noticed Quil's lanky body just a few feet away, and she walked fast to catch up to him. Quil was happy to see her presence beside him, and the two kept each other company for an hour as Jacob and Bella worked. They walked by the edge of the Rez, where the sand met grass. Most of Quil's questions revolved around Bella: if she was single; what her hobbies were; if she liked shorter guys. Margo tried to dodge most questions with a laugh.

But there was one question she couldn't dodge, and it was one of her own. "Where has Embry been lately?" She asked Quil, who suddenly tensed up.

"Uh – I don't know, actually." He shrugged, staring at the waves as they engulfed the shoreline. "I haven't seen him around home or school."

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