Fifteen: Knockout

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Rosie POV

"I'm going to kill you!" I shout once we checked into a room.

     I throw a pillow at Jacob who catches it giving me time to tackle him.

     "Who dare you!" I shout.

     "What! I was being the usual helpful brother!" Jacob replies.

     "Helpful?! You were doing everything but helpful!"

     I stuff the pillow on his face until Joseph says, "Jeez, Rosie let him breathe!"

     I reluctantly get off of Jacob and toss the pillow to the side and snarl, "This, is far from over."

     "He can be so immature sometimes," I say slumping into my bed.\

     "He's cute though," Sara in a trance-like voice.

     Immediately sitting up I raise an eyebrow at her. Her cheeks flush red and she says, "Did I say that out loud?"

     "Uh, yeah," I say.

     A knock on the door prevents me from saying anything else on the subject. I sigh and open it to see to musular men who don't look very nice.

     "Can I help you?" I ask.

     The first man smashes a blue cloth in my face and I make the mistake of inhaling it. My vision blurs and I see the other one applying a piece of tape to her mouth and the only sound coming out is a muffled scream. My vision turns red and I black out.

The next morning, I wake up to find Joseph standing over me and my head throbbing with pain.

     "Good, you're ok," he sighs with relief. Aww, isn't that sweet, he was worried.

     I was surprised that Fabian was in the room. His eyes filled with relief and he knelt down next to me and pressed his lips against mine.

     "I'm glad you're ok," he says.

     "Where's Sara?" I ask.

     "You were here, you should know," Jacob says flatly.

     "Ouch, harsh much?"

     Then it came rushing back to me. The two men, they took her. And they made me black out by breathing some of that gas stuff.

     "They took her," I say, "Last night, two guys came to our room and the first one made me breath this gas stuff from a cloth. The other took Sara. We have to go after them!"

     "And we will," Joseph assures, "But first you have to get some rest."

     "Rest? Sorry, but did I hear that correctly? Who are you and what did you do with my brother? You must be forgetting that I survived an injection that gave me the power to read peoples' auras and that I was just intoxicated."

    "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but Rosie's right. We have to go after Sara," Jacob says.

    "Fine," Joseph says defeated.

    "Wait, where's Skitty?" I ask panick in my voice

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