Blood Lust - Chapter 8

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Here's a super long chapter for you guys because I love you.


*Johnny Toast's POV*

Sir told me to go, So I did. I knew what was happening, so I knew what was best. So did he. I went to the park for a bit. Suddenly, I felt like something bad was happening. I ran back to my house, only to find the window smashed. There was a trail of glass and blood, So I followed it the best I could. But it disappeared after a while. I used my PIE skills to track him down. His old house, Where his Mom lives. I ran as fast as I could, hoping that I wasn't too late. But, when I got there...

The door was kicked open, the hinges almost falling off the oak frame of the door. I knew I was too late. I could hear someone in the first room. I walked slowly towards it and peered around the doorway. Johnny was kneeling down, with a corpse in his arms. His Mom's corpse. His tears falling onto his mother's lifeless face. Blood covered both of them, the wall too. I turned around and closed the front door. I heard shuffling from the room. I went back towards it and peered into it. Johnny looked up and gave a sigh of relief, then looked at me with his tear-filled eyes. I could see the fear in his blood-shot eyes. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"It's okay, Please calm down sir," I said in my gentle voice.

*Johnny Ghost's POV*

I cried in his arms. I felt safe with my best friend around. He saved me from losing my sanity once and for all.

( A/N : No, There's no Yaoi going on XD )

(Don't even ask for it, You're not getting any XD)


I knew I had to pick myself off the ground, I knew I had to fight the madness. But I'm an Animal... I can't escape myself, So many times I've lied. This is a nightmare. I'm caged inside my own body. I wish I could wake up from this painful never ending nightmare, Jimmy will haunt me, He will never stop his bloodshed for anyone.

"Toast... Why are you so cold...?" I sniffled.

"I-It's... Cold outside, Yeah, It's cold..." He replied. I stood up and helped him up. I wiped away tears from my eyes. I looked at him. I wondered why his eyes were so dull, Why his skin was a bit pale.

'Like he said, It was probably cold where he ran to'

I thought to myself.

"Jimmy is pure evil!" I said before breaking into tears again. Toast was like a brother to me, Always there for me. Heck, We even did the blood-brothers thing. We both walked back to his house, him trailing just behind me. I went straight upstairs to bed. With not a care in the world, With my chest pounding.

"Night, Sir," Toast called to me.

"Night..." I called back. I flipped the switch on the wall. The bulb emitted light, reaching every corner of the room. I went to the mahogany cupboard, opening it and grabbing the pjs that I put in there earlier. I went into the bathroom and took off my clothes. I went into the shower and rinsed the blood off myself. The crimson liquid swirled around beneath my feet before rushing down the plug hole. I sighed as I got out of the shower, drying myself before I put on my pjs. I grabbed my blood-stained clothes and washed them in the shower. The smell of blood filled the bathroom, Almost choking me. I left them to dry on the radiator and went off to bed. I passed Toast's room. He was watching TV in his room.

"Another murder victim has been found, By the name of Remillia Ghost. We are trying to get in contact of who is believed to be her son, Johnny Ghost, Also part of the PIE team. We are trying to search for him to tell him the bad news. Further police investigations are going to take place.

This has been 17th Dimension news"

I listened.

"Oh, Hey Sir," Toast said to me.

"U-Uh hey" I replied.

"Have a good night sir," He replied, smiling. I grinned back and went to my room. I noticed that I also had a TV, But I had no intentions of using it at this time. All I wanted to do was to just sleep and get this all out of my head. I sat on the bed and rested my head, falling asleep almost instantly.

I opened my eyes to see that I was no longer in my room, But another room. The room was dark but somehow there was a light in the middle of the room, Seemingly from no-where.

A man with a blood-stained blue coat sat underneath the light. His hair was dark, His skin was pale. Was it really him? The demon that was within me?

"Hello Johnny..." He said quietly. I stepped back.


"Yes, I am." He replied, Standing up and facing me.

"You... You destroyed my life!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me blankly with his blood-red eyes.

"Do you have any idea how much chaos you have caused?! How many you've killed, How many you've slaughtered? They were innocent and didn't deserve to die! Why, Why would you do it?! WHY!" I yelled, Tears filling my eyes.

"...Welcome to my world..." He whispered.

"What is that supposed to mean? Huh? HUH?!" I yelled.

"...It started when I was little...

I found a knife in the woods, And I killed a rabbit with it... A few years later... I was researching up criminals, killers, robbers. I thought about how great it would be to rid of the evil... I went finding the criminals around me... I killed everyone who had any sense of evil in them... I stabbed them... I wanted to rid the world of evil... Then I became obsessed with seeing people's dead faces... I eliminated everyone who disagreed with me... They DIED... It continued on for several years later... I even killed my own parents... My sisters... My brothers... All of them... I eventually discovered the house that you found my ghost... I died there... My rotting corpse... My brittle neck was snapped as I fell down the wooden stairs... And even in death... I wanted to kill mo--" I cut him off.

"More. Even in death you wanted to kill, So obsessed that it haunts you for eternity," I said.

"Indeed. This is not me, By the way. This is my mind speaking to you. It's the only sane part of me. The rest has just melted into insanity," He fell onto his knees, covering his face with his hands.

"I-I regret it... I just want Mommy and Daddy's warm hugs," He sobbed. I kneeled down and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry." I replied.

" Please don't kill anyone else," I said softly.

"I'll try, But I don't think I can..." He sobbed.

Then everything faded to black.

Jimmy Casket- Blood Lust - A VenturianTale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now