Blood Lust - Chapter 10

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*Johnny TOAST's POV*

"Here sir, Try it!" I said, Handing him the cup.

"Okay, Thanks," He replied. He took a sip of it.

"OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AMAZING OMGOMG" He screamed. I chuckled at his statement as he took more sips.

"This is brilliant... Amazing..." He said.

"Why Thank you, Sir," I replied with a bright smile on my face.

-A few hours Later-

*Johnny Ghost's POV*

The tea... Was magnificent as they say in Britain.

I walked upstairs, As it was getting late. I walked past Toast's room. I looked in and saw Toast standing and staring at the wall. But there was something unusual... He was glowing?! His head turned towards me as the door slammed shut in front of me.

'Im going mad...'

I thought, Scratching my head. I sat on my bed and watched TV.

*Jimmy Casket's POV*

I'll keep quiet you won't even know I'm here...

You won't suspect a thing, You won't see me in the mirror,

I've crept into your mind you can't make me disappear...

I've made myself at home with the cobwebs and the mice...

I'm learning all your tricks I can hurt you from inside...

You'll never know what hit you...

Won't see me closing in...

I'm gonna make you Suffer...

This hell I'll put you in...

I'm underneath your skin...

I'm the Devil within...




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