chapter 12

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Raegan's pov || ooooh what's gonna happennnn?

i wake up in my bed to my phone ringing. i look at the time before picking it up. 4:03am. what the hell is the hospital calling me for at this time? i answer the phone and put it to my ear.

"h-hello?" i ask. "good morning Mr.Beast. i'm calling you to tell you about a friend that was in and accident." she tells me. "which friend?" i ask getting worried. "Justin Blake." she replies. i look over to the person in my bed. that's not jay? i roll the person over and see Kayla Ray. biggest slut in school. what the hell is she doing here??

"uh hello Mr.Beast?" i hear. "uh-yeah-hey..which hospital are you calling from?" i ask. "the st.John hospital on 12th street." she replies. i thank her and get up to get ready. well, more like put clothes and shoes on. i throw some on and rush out the door


i get to the hospital and run in. then i realize something. this is the hospital for people who try to commit suicide. oh god.

"I'm here to see my boyfriend! J-justin b-blake." i day to the woman at the desk. "ah ok. you're Mr.Beast, correct?" she asks. i nod. "well he's awake. you can go to his room. 402." she tells me. i nod and run there.

i go to the elevator but i can't wait to see him. so i run to the stairs. i get there and rush up the four flights of stairs. my legs are about to give out when i see the sigh "Floor 4" so i run through the door and rush down the hall to room 402

i open the door and see Justin laying there crying. "oh my god baby!!" i yell. he looks at me and starts crying again. he looks so hurt.. i run over to him and try to grab his hand but he jerks it away. "wh-what happened?" i ask. "you mean to say 'sorry i cheated on you' don't you?" he asks. "what!?" i yell. "yep. you did.." he says. "i don't remember!!" i yell. "what the last thing you remember about yesterday?" he asks.

i start thinking.

"hey raegan...come with me.." kayla says. "i have a boyfriend kayla. leave me alone." i say. "i know silly! just come on! i have to show you something!" she yells. i nod and go with her. "here have this. it's pepsi." she says. i sniff it. "ok..." i reply. i start drinking it and it's really good. i finish it with in a few seconds.

then everything goes black.

i wake up and i'm kissing kayla's neck. i look over to see justin. "help.." i whisper. he doesn't hear me. he just starts crying and running away. "THAT SLUT.." i hear. a pause. "KAYLA.." i hear again. it's justin. i push her away and run to the cafeteria. "where is he!?" i ask kale. "leave it alone Raegan...go with kayla." he tells me. then it all goes black again. and i wake up with a call from the hospital.

i tell him all that and he starts crying again. he holds his arms out. showing me his wrists. "i-i was going to ki-kill myself...i-i have the suicide note...i didn't f-finish it.." he stutters. "oh my god baby.." i start crying as well.

"what happened?" i ask. "well...a-after i saw you w-with her.. i got in my c-car and started driving.."

•you guys already know what happened•

Justin's pov

•5 years later•

i hear running around upstairs and i know our babies are awake. "Ethan? Sadie?" i ask. they come running down and they jump into my arms. i catch them and laugh. "you guys are so big!" i yell. the laugh and get down. then i see my husband walking down. i smile. the kids run into the kitchen and start eating.

"hey baby?" he asks. i look at him. "yes baby?" i ask. "i'm so in love with us and our kids." he says. "me too." i reply smiling. we walk into the kitchen and start eating too. then i get to thinking.

i guess you can say..the problem with love is, you never find what you want, until you find yourself...

Word count: 737

THE END!!!! 

wow. it's over.

love you babies❤️

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