chapter 11

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"what happened baby?" i ask. "m-my mom k-kicked me o-out.." he replies. "oh my god." i whisper and hug him again. he starts breathing heavy and his heart starts racing. he's having a panic attack. oh no. "hey woah. calm down Raegan.. you're ok. it's fine. i'm here. i won't leave. ever." i whisper while rubbing his back. he calms down after a few minutes. "i love you so much baby..." he says. "i love you too." i reply.


"hey bitch." i say to kale as Raegan and i walk into school. "sup hoeeee." he says. i laugh and grab rae's hand.

•school is boring so time skip to lunch•

I had to walk to lunch alone. i have no idea where Raegan was. "hey Justin? where's Rae?" Ryan asks. i shrug my shoulders and shake my head. i sit down and put my head down. "go look for him." Jack says. i nod and get up.

i've walked down all of the halls but one. he must be there. i turn the corner to the last hall and i see Raegan pinning some girl against the wall kissing her neck. he looks at me and he looks like he's on something. drunk or something. no idea. but whatever it is, he's cheating.

i run into the cafeteria crying. i sit down at the table and out my head down. "bro. what happened??" kale asks. "HE WAS WITH THAT SLUT!" i yell. "woah. which one!?" ryan asks. "KAYLA!!" i yell and get up, running out of the school and to my car. i get in and start driving. i pull off to the side of the road and get out my sketchbook and my pencils. i start drawing.

i get bored after a couple drawings and i put it down. i start writing words now. a letter. just expressing all of my feelings.

Dear Anyone, more specifically, The Love Of My Life,
You've done this to me. by going with her. i should've trusted myself. i should've said to myself, "don't date him, he'll break your heart. you've seen him with all those people he played.." but no. i didn't. i dated you and i got my heart broken. i saw it coming. we lasted a good while. too bad you had to ruin it. i really do lo

then my pencil breaks. i grab the sharpener and start sharpening the pencil. it gets sharp and i pull it out. wait. pencil sharpener. blade. i can use this.

•trigger warning•

i pop the screw out carefully and pick the blade up. i sigh and think of raegan. i never let him explain himself. what if he had a reason to do it. or he didn't know what he was doing. maybe he was drugged. ugh.

i put the blade to my skin and just as i'm about to swipe it across, i hear honking and a slam.

once again




Word Count: 496


sorry for any misspellings.

c+v if you liked it.

i'm high key wanting to end this book. let me know if i should or shouldn't.

love you babies.

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