24. Battle of the Bands

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It was the night of Battle of the Bands.

I had taken Mollie to the police station. It turned out that her family's right house possessed lots of expensive items, and two knowledgeable thieves had broken into what they thought was an empty house to help themselves. Mollie had been in unawares to them, and when she caught them they had no choice but to subdue her, and kidnap her.

We had both described the men to the police and within two days they had found the criminals, returned Mollie's families items and sorted out the insurance for the damage to the house.

Tom was discharged from hospital not long after, not completely healed but a whole lot better - it had something to do with the fact he was getting a whole lot of attention off Anna for being a brave hero - and Mollie and I were better than ever. We talked about what I did, I explained how it happened and Mollie sympathised with my side of the story.

Mollie's brother and his gang of thugs were charged with assault, and although Mollie encouraged me to press charges to teach them a lesson I dropped mine, as did Jay and Matt, but unsurprisingly - after taking a knife - it seemed one of the gang were going to be doing some serious jail time. Mollie told me she would be able to handle her brother. I hoped so.

Needless to say I was reinstated in Black Poison as lead guitarist. Before we knew it the night of Battle of the Bands had arrived. Mollie and I don't care wether we won or not, but we headed up on stage and just had fun. We played a great cover, and then performed a love song we had wrote together.

Not even Megan and her mind games could bother us. And as a matter of fact we weren't even in the main hall when the principal announced "The winner of this years Battle of the Bands is... Black Posion!" Because we had decided we weren't sticking around for the after party.

Instead me, Mollie, Tom, Anna, Jay, Juliette, Matt and Holly had found a small little cafe, and a booth to all squeeze in together. It seemed we were all couples. Tom and Anna had made it official and were now going out. Jay and Juliette seemed happy and had stopped arguing - for now, and Matt and Holly were going good together.

"Just got a text," said Jay "Dale says Black Poison won! Congratulations guys!"

Mollie and I looked at each other.

"Isn't that something?" I smiled, but neither of us really cared, music was fun and music was a hobby, but we truly loved each other.

"Hey one thing," I turned to Mollie.

"Yeah?" she grinned.

"You never told me what the 'K' stands for in Mollie K."

"Oh," Mollie leaned forward and out her head against mine, our faces toward each other, and whispered so only I could hear "I'm afraid that's one secret I'm still keeping," she teased playfully and kissed me lovingly on the lips.

I smiled back at her, it didn't bother me what the K stood for. I had her, I had all my friends, and most importantly all of us were here in good health. Life was perfect. Pretty good idea to move here from England.

Or at least that's how it seemed.

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