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I almost had to run to keep up with Negan as he stormed down the halls. I felt his anger readieating off of him.

"They couldn't have gotten that far, Negan." I said trying to calm him down.

He didn't reply. We got to the balcony over looking the shop place. Everyone got on their knees.

"Dwight, Sherry, and Tina are missing." Negan said a little to loudly. "Anyone who knows anything, and dosnt tell me, will get the iron." Negan told his people.

"They also stole some medicine, so I hope you understand why I'm extra pissed about this." Negan boomed. "On your feet." Negan said as he walked away, I followed.

He ended up walking all the way to the roof. Negan went to the edge and put his hands on the railing. I walked next to him and put on of my hands on top of his.

"You okay?" I asked. Negan just sighed and grabbed my hand. "Not really.. It just pisses me the fuck off when people are fucking able to steal my shit without me fucking noticing!" He ranted.

I rubbed clericals into the back of his hand, whenever he does that to me it helps, so I'm hoping it'll have the same effect, it seemed to work.

His shoulders were loose and his face a lot less contorted. "We're gonna get them and the medicine back." I said gently.

Negan sighed. "I know. I always get my shit back." He said. I smiled at him slightly. "You being a badass now?" I teased. Negan rolled his eyes slightly.

"I'm always a badass." He played along. I chuckled slightly. "Let's go on a run, or just for a walk, or hell, go out and kill some walkers. Let's just get outta here." I said. Negan smiled a little. "Okay." He said.


We stopped in the middle of the woods. We were in a clearing that was about 15 yards long. Negan and I sat down and leaned our backs against a tree.

I leaned my head against his shoulder, Negan wrapped and arm around my shoulders.

"I love you, Carl." He mumbled.

"I love you too." I responded quietly. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was smiling.

"I don't know how you mange to do that." He said.

"Manage to do what?" I asked.

"I couldn't be ready to kill everyone I see, and somehow you calm me down within a matter of a few fucking minutes." He said.

I smiled. "Your welcome." I said.

Negan kissed the top of my head.

I smiled and closed my eyes, a sense of complete comfort and safety filled the air as I started to dose off.

(Sorry this one was short. I just really wanted to update, and I honestly like the way this turned out. Anyways... THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!! IM ALMOST AT 1K!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!)

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