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"Didn't an oxygen tank explode and the moon landing get aborted?" Callie butted in, everyone turning to look at her with confusion. She shrugged, knowing that she only knew this because the Queens father had been a massive fan of space. The team all looked back at Henry, knowing something had gone wrong.

"No, everything is going great up there. Unless..." Henry started but was finished by Sara.

"Unless history's changed."


"Can the astronauts see us?"

Callie fiddled with the zip on her fleece as she watched from the window of the Waverider as they looked over the moon. She had seen many things since Rip Hunter had introduced time travel to them all, but there was something so different to her about actually seeing the moon in person. Not only did witnessing this event reminder her of the historical value that the mission held, but it also abolished her doubts that man had actually landed on the moon.

"No, no, no. We're cloaked," Nate replied to his grandfather, his eyes skimming over Callie who was standing to the side of the bridge and hadn't said much at all.

"What's our plan?" Henry asked, looking around the room at the self-dubbed legends. Rip moved forward, his head instantly back into the captain mentality.

"Well, I thought that we-" he started to say, but was instantly cut off by Sara breaking down the plan that she had formed. Callie smirked to herself slightly, liking the authority that radiated off Sara since she had taken up the mantle of captain since Rip's disappearance. 

"All right. I've got Ray suiting up. He's gonna fly over there, shrink down, and let us know what's going on inside!" Sara exclaimed, pulling up the logs of the ship in the console at the middle of the room. Her hand brushed lightly along Callie's back as she passed the girl, a small comforting smile shared between them.

"I'm entering the Command Module. I see Lovell and Haise, but they're unconscious," Ray started, his voice trailing off as he adjusted to the sight in front of him. Callie and Sara shared a concerned look as Henry tried to figure out why the man had suddenly gone silent. 

"What about Jack? Dr. Palmer?"

Callie somehow could sense that whatever was about to come over the speakers was something that she was not going to react well to at all.

"Thawne's here," Ray murmured through the speakers, causing the team to instantly spring more  upright. The mission that they thought would have been relatively simple was becoming significantly harder by the second.

"Send me up there right now, I want to show that son of a-" Callie was cut off by not only the glares from the rest of the team but also Ray speaking over the top of her as he informed them on what his next plan was.

"I'm gonna follow him into the Lunar Module."

"He's going to land on the moon!"

"Well, I'll stop him."

Henry turned to look at the team, his eyes mainly latching on to Callie based on her outburst once she had seen the man. "Who's Thawne? Where is Swigert?"

They all ignored the panicked JSA member, focusing their attention on making sure that Ray would be able to pull off this mission and get a hold of the piece of the spear before Thawne was able to snatch it and return to the Legion of Doom.

"Ray, whatever you do, just don't let Thawne see you."

"Yeah, about that," Ray started, but his voice was cut off by Thawne's interrupting them.

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