Chapter 10:

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Will's Pov:
l sensed Miss.Mabel's fear.....and to comfort her, l held her hand.She turned and looked at me with confusion, l just smiled.She blinked, but then smiled back "HAHAHAHAHA!" Bill's frightening laugh made both of us turn our heads towards him. "Oh,Shooting Star...!" he appeared in front of Miss.Mabel "l think it's time to weak up!"
Just a snap and we all went back to our places. . .
l was angry! Perhaps it was the first time that l felt anger. . .
As soon as we went back to mind scape,l walked up to Bill and looked straight into his eyes.He grinned "What's the matter little brother?"
"Stay away from her!" l said as seriously as l can.He was shocked. "What did you just say?!" his expression turned dark. . .
But for once. . .for once l wasn't afraid of him! "l said Stay-Away-From-Her!!!" l said almost yelling and then disappeared,leaving him alone in his room.
l reappeared in my own room and laid on my bed.........
Then let out a deep sigh.....

Bill's Pov:
l stood there staring.....dumbfounded. . .how could could he just........"AAAAAAH!!!!!!" l yelled as l bursted in flames.l was all red.....there's no words to express how angry l was!
"So you want to play huh?!" l barely said to myself "Alright!Then let the game begin!"

Night time. . .

Although,time does not exist in mindscape, my senses tell me that it is night time and Shooting Star is about to sleep....
Well....okay my senses didn't tell me she was gonna sleep...but my spying globe did!
l watched her as she got on her bed, lay, and put on her blanket, saying 'Good night' to Pine tree and finally fell asleep. . .it took a while for her to sleep 'cause even from here, l can sense that she was still scared. . . scared from sleeping.
l grinned.
Then l started watching her dreams. . .
She was back to her fantasy world. . .
Everything was.... same as usual untill........

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