Exposing the truth

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I went to the park and waited by the cherry tree I first kissed Suzuki under to call us off when I texted her in class she hadn't replied yet. "I know she has cheer leading but she is never this late to respond" I said. I decided to call her but no answer. "Did I miss some kind of activity she had today?" I thought No she would tell me. I just sat under the tree and waited an hour later I heard footsteps and assumed it was Suzuki so I popped out from behind the tree. "Hey babe" I said. "Babe? Wrong girl there" I heard a British accent say. I looked and saw Valerie. "Oh sorry Val I'm waiting on Suzuki" I said. "Well I have some unfortunate news for you" Val said brushing back her long blonde hair. "Huh?" I said confused. "Come with me to the café and I'll tell you" Val said and walked off. "The Café? Well it's free food so what the hell why not?" I thought and followed. Once we got to the café we got a seat by the window and Val took out her phone. "So what's this news you got for me? Is it a confession? I'm flattered but I'm a one girl guy" I said. "Aww sweetie that's cute no!" Val said smiling as the waitress brought our drinks. I got a coke while Valerie got tea. "You and tea" I joked. "I am British you know" Val joked back. Val is part of Blue Rose the famous Japanese Pop co-ed group that goes to our school. She is one of the English speakers and a great Singer. "So tell me what's up?" I asked her. "I'm waiting" Val said. "On?" I asked. "Henry" Val said.

I can't believe Suzuki would do that to Saske. I was angry and once Val had the video I sprung. "Well look at this" I said surprising Suzuki and her man. "Shit Henry!" Suzuki said pale as a ghost. "What's up Henry?" I heard Yoshi's voice. I looked and saw it was Yoshi. Yoshi Akira he's on the soccer team with Saske. "How could you do this to Saske?" I said face red with anger. "Do what kiss his ex-girl?" Yoshi said. "No kiss his current girl" I said. "Wait what!" Yoshi said and looked at Suzuki. "You told me you ended it with him!" He yelled. "I haven't yet I was going to today" Suzuki said teary eyed. "Nah whore I'm not going to hear it! I respect Saske and your just a whore I'm gone. If you talk to Saske tell him I'm sorry that his girl is a whore!" Yoshi yelled and walked off. Suzuki fell to her knees in tears. "Serves you right you fucking bitch!" I yelled. "Val handle her!" I said. "With Pleasure! Haha!" Val laughed and bitch slapped Suzuki. Then took her whip off her hip and began lashing at Suzuki. I walked away unable to watch. "I can't believe her! That slut! He's been nothing but faithful to her took her place a bought her stuff and that is how she treats him! Bitch!" I thought. I walked to the pier and just sat there to regain my composer. An hour later I got a text from Val that read "come to the café near the park I'm here with Saske time to expose her!" I texted back saying I was on my way and made my way there. The café wasn't that far from where I was so I decided to walk over instead of taking a taxi. I walked over and saw them eating by a window. Val noticed me and waved I waved back and walked in. "Sup man!" Saske said. I sat next to Val as the waitress approached me to get my order. "Just a coke please" I said. She blushed and walked off. "Ok Mister lady killer" Val said. "Huh?" I said. "Nothing should we get down to business?" Val said and we both looked at Saske. "Yeah please cause I need to go meet Suzuki" Saske said. "You haven't showed him yet?" I asked. "No waited for you thought you'd want to be here for it" Val said. "Show me what?" Saske asked confused. "This" Val said and placed her phone in front of him. He looked and his face drained of color.
"This!" Val said and placed her phone in front of me with a video playing of two people making out. "Hell I can't Jack in public why is she showing me porn?" I thought till I noticed who was making out. Then I felt my heart break inside my chest. "I'm sorry Saske but your girl is a whore" Val said stopping the video and putting her phone in her purse. "I.... Can't believe it...." I said. Henry moved next to me and placed his hand on my shoulder comforting me. "I'm sorry man" he said his face showed how genuine that sorry was. "Was that Yoshi with her?" I said. "Yeah it was he was told by Suzuki that you guys broke up" Henry said. "She lied to him?" I asked. "Yes once he found out he was pretty pissed" Val said sipping her tea. "He called her a whore and told us to tell you he was sorry your girl's a whore" Henry said. "So he didn't genuinely mean to make out with her?" I asked. "Nope not at all" Val said. "I'll have to talk to him on Monday about it" I said. "Yeah" Henry said. "I am fine I was planning on calling it off today anyway this just makes it easier thanks man for exposing this to me and showing me just what a whore she really is" I said and excused myself. "Want me to walk home with you?" Henry asked. "Nah man I want to be alone right now stay eat and hang with Val I'll see ya later" I said and walked out the café.

I watched as Saske walked off alone. When he said he wanted to be alone I felt a deep sadness in my heart. "So it is true?" Val said coming up behind me with my drink and hers in to-go cups. She waved and blew kisses to the café as we left. "I sometimes forget you are a Singer Val" I said. "That's good then haha I'm glad" she said in English. "You said so it's true what did you mean?" I asked in English. "Your feelings for Saske" Val said in English. "You to?" I asked. "Yes all of us saw it Henry Toru was just the first to actually act" Val said. "Yeah but he's heartbroken now. I can't act right now" I said. "We know. I say stay after school with him one day and tell him. Get alone with him. It's easier that way. Track is staying after school next Friday and so is the soccer team. I say get him then. You don't have to actually confess but just test the water see if he might have the same thoughts" Val said then waved as she went off on her own. I sipped my coke as I walked across the river bridge heading back to the house. I'll have to talk to Saske and see how he is. I got home and saw my parents were gone again on an over sea business trip. "Dad was called into Russia to help settle a dispute among politicians we will be home for your graduation in a few months be good I taught you how to cook so I know you can handle yourself my high school senior. I'll miss you mom" A letter read. "Russia this time huh?" I thought. I heated up some raman and went to my room to eat. I opened my window and saw Saske laying down on his bed. I grabbed onto the zip line we built onto our homes so we could zip into the others room. His window was open so I decided to zip in. "Hip!" I said as I landed on his clean wooden floors. "Shit! Henry you startled me!" Saske said. "Sorry I just wanted to check on you" I said sitting on his bed.
"About Suzuki? I told you I'm fine" Saske said sitting up. "What you say and what you mean are two different things Sassi" I said using his nickname from our childhood. "You haven't called me that since we were kids" Saske said "I know nostalgic huh?" We've been each others other half for 18 years now" I said. "Yeah I know man. Longest pain in the ass ever" Saske joked. I punched him. He punched back and we started play wrestling. An hour later we sat at his kitchen table eating dinner. "Thanks for coming over man I needed you" Saske said and I blushed. "You know I got your back man" I said. "Yeah I know" Saske said. "Where is your grandma?" I asked. "She went on a trip. She said I want to see this world before I turn 90" Saske said. Saske's parents died when we were 10 since then his grandmother raised him all on her own. "She's is too young to be so old" I joked. "Hell she stays trying to convince people she's 25 haha" Saske laughed.

"I'm glad you can laugh despite being so broken" I said. "Hell life moves on no use dwelling on it" he said getting up to put his plate in the dishwasher. I got up and hugged him. "Lier" I said. After that I zipped lined back to my house and waved goodnight before closing my window and shutting my curtains.

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