It's time!(mature action ahead)

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After Henry went back home to sleep I took a shower. While in the shower I hugged myself. "His touch...... It's so warm and caring..... Could I possibly? Can I possibly like him that way?" I said aloud. The thought brought a surprise smile to my face. "Why am I happy about this?" I said. "I shouldn't be.... He is a guy he's got a dick and everything!" I said. "Why does the thought of his touch make me happy and feel joyous? Why?!" I thought. "Why!" I shouted as I punched the wall. "Why....." I thought again. I got out the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. My black hair soaked from my hot shower. My brown eyes showed a light. "Do you like him!" I said. "Do you like him!" I shouted and my eyes reflected a light and my heart  felt warm. "It's true...... I do like him.... but how?" I questioned myself. I went to bed shirtless as usual but before closing my eyes I looked over at his blue curtains and smiled. "If what I am feeling is true then I need to get a taste" I said and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
The week flew by fast. On Monday Suzuki tried to apologize and keep Saske but he shrugged her off. I smiled at that. Tuesday Saske and I hung out at the beach. Wednesday we went to dinner at the café and hung out at his house. Yesterday we walked around downtown eying girls and went to a cosplay convention. Now it's Friday. Time does fly by when your having fun huh? As normal Saske and I walked to school together in the morning and we got plans to walk home together after track and soccer practice. "Alright see ya!" Saske said walking away to the field. He's got a game later on today so he's going to warm up. "Today is the day huh?" I heard a girl speak in Russian. I turned at the familer voice and saw Lorian walking up with her pink and purple bob hair. "The day?" I said in Russian. "They day to go big or go home" she said. "Good luck!" She winked and walked off catching up with Lucas her boyfriend. Like Val, Lorian is part of Blue Rose with her boyfriend Lucas. I placed my hand on my heart. "It is today can I even do this? Can I... come out to him with my heart?" I thought as I looked up into the sky. The bell rang as I sat down at my seat and stared out the window at the field. I saw Saske warming up with the rest of the team. I fixed my glasses as the teacher came in. "Henry Kang!" He called me. "Present" I said. "Your needed at the teacher's lounge" Sensei said. "Now?" I asked. "Yes now go on" Sensei said. I got up and excused myself. Mikasa followed me. "They called me too" She said. As we walked down the halls I heard girls whisper "he's so hot! Why isn't he taken? I believe she has him!" I sighed. They will never know. "The girls again?" Mikasa said picking up on my mood. "Yeah..." I said. "Just block them out" she said. We got to the Teachers lounge and knocked. "Come in" we heard from inside. "Excuse us" we said opening the door. Inside was the track team. "Hey what's up?" I asked. "Come on Henry" Mikasa said changing her tone. I walked in behind her and all the girls hugged me. "Woah OK what's going on?" I asked overwhelmed. "Today is the day" Val said entering the room. "Val what's going on?" I asked. "We all know about how you feel about Saske" Akri said. "You.... You do?" I said. "Yes and so does the soccer team" Mikasa said "Why!" I asked confused. "They all think Saske has a thing for you too and have decided to help you guys" Val said. "What?!" I said shocked. "After the game today we all will head hone and task you and Saske with clean up. That's when you talk to him" Mikasa said "Hen-hen you gotta do this for your own health" She continued using my nickname she came up with for me in our elementary days. "Yes you do I know we are basically forcing the issue but friends sometimes push" Val said. I went silent as I stared at my close friends. "You got this Henry!" Akira said. Akira and I are the only guys on the track team. Guys in our school are jealous about it cause they think we shower with the girls and do perverted things with them after practice. "Akira you too?" I said. "Yeah I had a feeling you were gay when we first met. It's a shame you like Saske because I wanted a taste haha" he laughed. "Akira are you?" I asked. "Nah I'm not just joking haha" he smiled. "Or am I?" Akira continued before letting out another laugh. We laughed with him. Akira is our jokester on the team he always has a joke lined up. With that over with it was time for the game.

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