A dream come true

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Our summer break came and went like a flash. It was fun travelling with Blue Rose. Saske and I took a bunch of couple pictures solidifying our relationship for all people. "You sure I'm good enough?" I asked him again. Saske turned around and pulled me close. I turned red. "I'm sure" He said and kissed me. As he kissed me he pulled me closer to him to where our packages were touching. I blushed hard because Saske was hard. "Your hard!" I said blushing. "I am that answer your question?" Saske said. I blushed and nodded. "Listen to me Henry. I love you. I love your personality and especially your body. If I didn't love you I wouldn't be here still. I would have tossed our friendship aside cause I didn't love you but I won't nor ever will" Saske said and hugged me.

"You don't know how happy that makes me feel" I said as I hugged him back. Then my own horny self took over. I rubbed his package and smiled sexily. "You know we have a hotel room all to ourselves" I whispered in his ear he got sexy chills and I tugged him to our room. All that could be heard was our moans. After our sex in our hotel room we took showers. Saske sent me down to the lobby by myself saying he'd join me soon wanted to surprise me with his look. I waited for only a few minutes before I  saw him. I smiled and hugged him. "Come on we got a concert to go to" Saske said. He held my hand and we walked to the stadium. After we got there he showed me to our seats before he left in search of Val. He returned moments later with a huge smile on his face. "What she do?" I asked. "Nothing they are about to rehearse and we get to sit in on it" Saske said. "Ah cool!" I said. We watched Blue Rose rehearse then a few minutes after they finished the stadium was open to the public and people began piling in. We had front row seats to the entire show which was awesome.

I sat there holding Saske's hand and laying on his shoulder while the show began. EDM music began playing and their faces appeared on screen in pairs. When Val and Koza appeared I screamed so loud. I was always so close with Val. Then the drapes began to raise and the crowd screamed with excitement. There they were all 24 members of Blue Rose. 12 girls and 12 boys. The largest co-ed Japanese pop group in history and Saske and I were good friends with all 24 members. Some people would use that as leverage and use their fame to get fame themselves but not me and Saske. If anything Val especially put her fame on the line to help us and I love her for it. As the concert began we watched in awe as the dancers jumped on stage from everywhere. Doing all kinds of acrobatics and moves I could never do. Then Val began to sing in English her English song titled "Sun Rise" one if my favorite songs. It has such a surprisingly relateable message hidden among it's words. Without knowing I began to sway and shake and turned Saske on so much. He watched me dance and sing along. "Wow.. Look at you! Amazing" he said. I just smiled till a ballad played and I was pulled on stage. "Come on Henry dance with me" Val said. I just took her hand and we danced as girls swooned. Saske smirked at the many swoons I was causing cause he knew I was his. As Val and I danced Lori another member of Blue rose Sung so beautifully. After the dance was finished I bowed to Val before returning to my seat. "Now that was fun but we aren't done yet are we..... Saske?" Val said. I looked confused while Saske stood up. He grabbed my hand and lead me on stage. "What's going on?' I said. "You'll see" Saske said with a wink. I was more confused till I got on stage.

My eyes were covered by Toru then I heard the crowd react with shock. "Ready?" Toru asked me before she uncovered my eyes. Once I opened them my hands fell to my mouth as I stared at Saske on one knee. "Saske what are you?" I began. "You know me I go into a relationship wanting marriage. So Henry Lee Kang. Will you marry me?" Saske said. The crowd reacted with awwes. I began to tear up. "Oh my..... Yes! Yes I will!" I said. We shared a kiss on stage and the swooned girls huffed. Two months later we walked across the stage getting our diplomas. "Henry Lee Kang! Vice president of the student body. President of the welcome committee and Co-captian of the best track team in all of Japan" the principal said as I walked across stage. I looked up in the audience and saw my parents smiling and waving. My mother's Blond hair shining brightly. I blew them a kiss and my mother caught it and placed it on her heart. I smiled. Then I looked down at Saske. His smiling face filling with tears. I looked at Valarie. She was crying and waving erratically. "I love you" I mouthed. "I love you too" Val mouthed back with Koza holding her waist. I winked at him and he winked back. An hour later Saske was up. "Kentano Saskane Yukinari" the principal called and Saske walked across the stage. Our matching rings on display on his right hand. He blew a kiss to me and I blew one back. Then I looked down at my ring and smiled. "That's my man right there. My fiancé..... How will mom and dad react?" I thought. After the ceremony we met my parents outside. I walked a bit to the side of Saske afraid of what my dad will say. When we saw them Saske grabbed my hand. "Saske..." I said. "Don't want to hide us" he said. I blushed. Once my father saw that he just hugged Saske. "You continue making my son happy my son" dad said. My mouth dropped. "Dad.... Your.... OK with me?" I said confused. "Your mother told me everything. Henry..... I wished you told me yourself but I know how hard that would be. I love you Henry. Your my son! My gay high school graduate son and Saske. My son in law. I am happy Henry choose you" Dad said. I smiled and hugged my father. "My gay grandson...... I love you" his grandmother said. We turned to face her. "Henry...... I'm glad you have been chosen by Saske. To be honest. I hated that whore!" His grandmother said. We all bust into laughter. Two years later we were married. Val and Koza came to our wedding. "Great story dad" our daughter Leigh said. "Well you asked for our love story" I said. "Leigh come help me real quick" Saske called. "Coming Dad!" Leigh said and rushed off. I watched her rush into the kitchen with Saske at her blond hair blowing like a golden wave. "Thank you Valerie..... For our daughter...." I said looking at her picture on our mantle from her funeral. Tears welled in my eyes.... "Val....." I said as I began to cry. Saske came up behind me and hugged me. "She's watching over us" he said. "Yeah dad. She is. I miss Aunt Val" Leigh said. "That's why we named you Leigh-anne. Valarie Leigh-anne Prince. Your name sake. Is watching over you" I told Leigh. "Uncle Henry!" William said coming into the house. "William!" Leigh ran over and hugged him. "Look at you.... All grown up!" I said hugging him. "Yeah I am" William said. I looked up at the sky. "You gave us two gifts Val. We will never forget you" I said as I went back inside.

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