Chapter Five: Surprise Visitor

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Chapter Five: Surprise Visitor

With a sigh, I pee on the stick and then shove the cap back on. I clean up, pull my pants up and flush, and then I walk over to the counter and set the test down. I wash my hands and dry them, and then I peek at the test. It's flashing the hourglass signal and I'm so nervous.

"God, I'm terrified." I mumble.

Danny wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around his waist.

"Everything is going to be fine. If the test is negative, we'll keep trying and after the year, we'll go back to the doctor and talk about taking hormones or something. We're going to have a baby either way."

"Okay." I whisper.

We pull apart and look down at the test. I keep my hands over my mouth from nerves, looking at the test flash the hourglass sign. Danny stands beside me, rubbing his neck nervously.

I know we probably shouldn't stare at it but I can't look away.

It keeps flashing.

And flashing.

And flashing.

And then after what feels like an hour, it stops flashing.



My hand grabs Danny's, holding on tightly. I blink a couple of times and move my face closer to the test, making sure the word not isn't anywhere on the digital screen.

But all it says it pregnant 3+

I look at my husband who's jaw is half opened.

"You see it too, right?" I whisper.

He puts his fist against his mouth to stifle his grin.

"Grace! We're having a baby!" He whisper shouts.

"We're having a baby!" I reply, my eyes filling with tears. He starts laughing and lifts me into the air, kissing my face everywhere.

We both have tears and he's grinning and I'm grinning and we're trying to kiss each other's faces but we keep moving, so kiss his lips instead.

Afterwards while of this, he sets me down, a giant smile on both of our faces.

"Okay, okay, when was your first missed period. We need to figure that out first."

"Okay." I laugh a little and shakily grab my phone from the pocket of my sweatpants. I go online and google a due date calculator. "Um...I think I was supposed to start on October fourteenth." I say. "So I should put that, right?"

"Yes." He smiles.

I type on October fourteenth of this year and watch as my phone load.

I'm due July twenty first.

"Okay, so that means I'm..." I start counting on my fingers. "Eight weeks."

"Right, okay." He laughs a little. "Okay, well you need to make a doctors appointment. We need to find the best OBGYN office in Wilmington."

I start Googling things and he and I agree on an office that has the best reviews on Google, and I call and make the appointment.

"When we go to the store, let's get more tests just to be sure, okay?" I say.

"Alright." He kisses my temple. "Let's keep this under wraps until we go to the doctor."


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