Chapter Sixteen: Hose

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Chapter Sixteen: Hose

I feel my shoulder being gently shaken, causing me to force my eyes open. My husband stands over me. Emily is fast asleep on my chest and somebody is knocking on the hospital door.

"Everyone really wanted to come in to see you guys." He whispers. "And they've been waiting for hours."

I blink a few times and put my hand on Emily's head, sitting up. I carefully shift her so I'm cradling her, and she doesn't stir at all.

"Do you want me to ask them to come in the morning?"

"No, it's okay." I murmur. "What time is it?"

"It's a little after two." He whispers.

I nursed her and then gave her to Danny to burp her and once he was done holding her, I took her back and passed out. I'm so physically drained, I could sleep on anything.

"You can let them in." I murmur.

"Okay." He kisses my head and walks over to the door, pulling it open.

Our relatives are here, and Danny's Nana and Papa are here now too. I tasked Beatrice with sending the news, so they must have come to the hospital when they got the call.

Everyone slowly files into the room with smiles. They all look tired as they creep closer to peek at Emily.

"How are you feeling?" Caleb asks me.

"I'm tired." I say.

Micah is still awake, dragging his feet as he walks. His eyes are droopy.

"We were going to take him home but he begged to stay to see the baby." Miley whispers.

"How about you three go first then?" Danny suggests. "So you can get him into bed."

"Yes, if we could, that'd be great." Kyle says.

"Can I hold her?" Micah asks me.

"Sure, but go wash your hands. All of you."

Everyone forms a line to the sink and Micah goes first, and then he walks over to the bed and climbs up. I sit up, wincing slightly at the pain.

"Do you need anything?" Danny asks me. "Medicine? Water?"

"I'm okay." I murmur. "Thank you."

He just squeezes my shoulder in response.

I have Micah sit back close to me and I shift so I'm holding Emily by her head and her butt. I lift her over his head until she's in front of him and Danny helps to adjust his arms so he's holding her, but I'm actually the one holding her.

Miley takes the picture and we both smile at the camera.

After a moment longer, Micah sighs.

"She's not doing anything."

"She's a baby buddy. Babies don't do anything until they get older." Kyle says.

"I want to be done please." He says.

I lift her out of his arms and he climbs off the bed.

Miley rubs her hands together and holds her arms out, and I carefully pass her to her, my hand lingering on her head until I'm sure she's got her.

She takes the baby and looks down at her.

"God, she looks just like you, Grace." She says.

"She's adorable." Danny smiles.

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