Chapter one

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"William I'm scared" Julia said looking around the morgue.

"What's wrong" He asked her whilst placing his hand on her lower back.

She twisted to the side and laid her head on his chest.

"I don't know, I just feel uneasy when she's around" she whispered.

"Julia, miss hart is no threat. Why do you feel this way?" He said staring into her frightened eyes.

"Remember the case that we did last week? Where we found the dead child's skeleton? I saw her staring at it heartlessly. Even I, a woman whom has never had a child, still feel uneasy but she just went with it emotionless." She said.

"Julia, that's hardly a reason to be scared of the woman." He mumbled in her hair.

"I know but that's not it. She told me that her sisters child was recently killed and she didn't even shed a tear. I have a feeling that she had something to do with it. When she was telling me the story, she had a smirk on her face" she said pulling away from his grasp.

William walked across the room and grabbed her coat.

"Come let's get you home, that is a strange story" he mumbled while helping her put on her coat.

Julia turned off the lights and held Williams hand.

They walked out of the morgue and locked it shut.

They got into the carriage and made their way to the hotel.

"William, I know that you might think I'm crazy but I'm being serious. I don't feel safe around her" she said walking into the bedroom in her robe and her blonde curls flowing down her back.

"Julia, I believe you. I just don't like seeing you this freaked out. Should I put a constable?" He asked as they got into bed.

"I don't know william.." she mumbled while cuddling into his chest.

"I don't want to see you get hurt." He said kissing her lips.

" maybe I'm just being crazy" Julia said looking away from him.

"Julia, you are the most brave woman I know. For you to be saying this, something must be wrong with her. And in no circumstances do I want you to get hurt." William said placing both of his hands on her face.

"William I-..." she was cut off by Williams soft lips on hers. "I love you"

"I love you too" He said while snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her close.

"You make me feel so safe and happy. I can't imagine life without you.." Julia said lying her head on his chest.

"You will never have to imagine life without me because I'm here forever" He said kissing her temple.

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