Chapter five

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The next morning Julia and Murdoch woke up. Julia hadn't let go of him all night and William kept a tight grip around her waist.

Julia blushed when she realized he was staring at her.

"Goodmorning my love" He said and kissed her forehead.

"Goodmorning" She said putting her arms around his neck and pulling herself closer to him.

It had been a very long day for them the day before and they were finally starting to relax a little knowing or rather assuming that miss Hart couldn't possibly get to them all the way in Montreal.

They got up and got dressed and awaited the inspector while enjoying some hot tea. They sat next to each other holding hands and looking out the balcony.

A couple of minutes later there were a couple of knocks at the door. Julia's heart started to beat quickly and William placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

He sighed and headed for the door but not before grabbing his pistol from the side table, just in case they had an unexpected visitor. Julia stood up and watched William, her hands shaking.

William opened the door and let out a sigh of relief as he moved aside to let the inspector come inside the room.

"Thomas how nice to see you" Julia smiled even though she was terrified.

"Julia I hope you slept alright" he sighed looking at William.

"What news do you have, sir?" William asked closing the door and locking it.

"Unfortunately not what you wanted to hear me ol mucker. We haven't found any information on ms Hart. It's as if she's disappeared off the face of the earth!" Thomas sighed.

"I'm sure she's somewhere in Toronto. We need to double the men that are searching for her!" William insisted.

"Murdoch we have every single man in the force working. There's no one else."

William sat down for a couple of seconds and thought to himself where she could be. Then, a pang of realization hit him.

"Sir, when you were on the train did you notice anyone following you?" William asked.

Thomas nodded his head 'no'.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Julia stood up and held William's hand.

"Julia, go inside the bedroom and stay there. No matter what do not come out until I come get you alright?" William insisted.

She nodded her head and he kissed her cheek.

Once he saw Julia close the door behind her and hear the click of the lock he walked towards the door with Thomas by his side.

They opened the door and standing right in front of them was the one and only Miss Hart. Although she wasn't just standing there, she was pointing a gun to William's head.

"Hey! Put the gun down now!" Thomas shouted.

"Absolutely not. You all know my secret and now you're all going to die!" She shouted back.

William looked at Thomas for some guidance but they both didn't know what to do. While they were standing there Julia silently got out of the room feeling her heart beat through her chest. She grabbed the pistol and pointed it at Miss Hart and pulled the trigger making her fall to ground. She ran to William hugging him tightly.

"William are you okay?" She asked while trembling.

"Yes I'm fine are you ok? I told you to stay In the bedroom! You could have gotten hurt" he said pulling her close.

Thomas was calling the Montreal station house in order to get some coppers to come get Hart. She wasn't dead but her arm had been shot.

Once the cops came, Thomas went with them to the station house and cleared the whole mess up.

Miss Hart was being transported to prison where she would be hung to her death.

William and Julia walked hand in hand towards the train station, ready to get back to their home.

While sitting on the train, Julia couldn't help but snuggle into Williams chest and close her eyes.  William wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

They got home a couple of hours later and everything was the way it was before the mess caused by Hart.

Everything was fine again and there was no more stress for the moment.

They went to sleep later on that night awaiting the next big day at the prison.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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