Chapter four

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There was a knock at the door a couple of minutes later and William got up to go open the door. Julia had fallen asleep but she was still freezing cold.

"Thank you" William said as he took the tray of hot cocoa.

He walked back into the bedroom to see Julia crying. But she was still asleep.

"Julia, julia! Wake up" he said.

"William!" She said as she woke up and hugged him tight, trembling.

"You're Alright Don't worry" he said.

"I-I" she almost passed out.

"Hey-hey-hey calm down you're alright." He said kissing her cheek.

He walked to the other side of the room and he brought her a glass of hot cocoa.

"Thank you" She said as she brought it to her lips.

The hot liquid burned as it touched her lips and she flinched. She touched her lip and sighed.

"Did you burn your lip" murdoch asked.

"I suppose I did" she said.

William took a dip of ice cold water and made his lips cold. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly over and over again and she smiled.

"You're so clever" she laughed.

"Mmm" he smiled.

"My lip still hurts" she said smirking.

"Oh yea?" He said leaning down and capturing her lips.

They kissed for what seemed like hours. A couple that was so in love. William closed the lights and wrapped julia in his arms.

They went to sleep in each others arms.

The next morning, they woke up and got ready for work. William assumed that Julia was going to stay at the house.

"Julia, are you sure you want to come along today. Miss hart did try to kill you and I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with you coming" William said.

"William I don't want to stay here alone" she said.

"Okay why don't you accompany me to the station house?" William suggested thoughtfully.

"Of course" she said and kissed his cheek.

They went down the stairs and called a cabbie. William opened the door and helped Julia get in. They sat there and waited to get to the station house. Julia leaned her head on Williams shoulder and William took her hand into his own.

They descended a couple of minutes later and walked into the station house. Julia had her arm around his.

"Detective murdoch! Miss hart still hasn't been found" Crabtree announced.

Julia looked away and walked to his office.

William watched her as she walked away. "Do we know where she's been around the past day"

"Some people say that they have seen her around Monty street" he said.

"Alright I will look into it" Murdoch said walking toward his office.

"Are you Alright Julia?" He asked holding her hand.

"Of course" she said looking away.

"Julia mark my words I will find her and she will hang for what she has done. And I won't let her put a single finger on you" he said rubbing her hand in his.

She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Im going to Monty street to see if she's there I want you to stay here" he said.

"William I'm not staying here I am coming with you" she said.

"Julia," William took her hands into his, "this woman is trying to kill you. It's not safe"

"William you will be there let's go" she said walking out.

Murdoch sighed and followed her.

They got to Monty street and asked people if they had seen ms hart but everyone said they didn't.

Try spent all day near Monty street when it started to get dark. Julia was getting tired and the weather was getting colder as the sky darkened.

William pulled off his suit jacket and put it around her arms to keep her warm.

"Thank you" She said kissing his cheek.

They called a carriage over and went home. Once they got there they started walking towards their room. William went to unlock the door when he realized that it was no longer locked.

"Stay behind me" he whispered to Julia while pulling out his gun.

He walked into the room and everything was a mess.

Julia gasped tears coming to her eyes. She griped Williams arm tightly while trembling.

William pulled her tightly against him and they walked out.

He telephoned the station house and warned them that ms hart was near.

They walked downstairs to the main entrance and called a carriage. William helped his wife into the carriage and got in.

"Bring us to the train station" William told the driver.

"William she was in our home" Julia said gripping his arm.

"I know Julia. I know. Everything will be alright. We're going to stay at a hotel out of town for a couple of days" he said kissing her lips.

"Alright" She said cuddling into his arms.

Once they got to the train station, murdoch purchased two tickets heading towards Montreal.

"Are you Alright" he asked Julia.

" You're here that's enough" she said as they waited.

The train arrived five minutes later and Julia and William got in.

They arrived to Montreal about 2 hours later.

They went to the nearest hotel and rented a room.

Once they got inside their room Julia undressed and got into the bed. She closed her eyes snuggled into the covers.

William sat on the couch looking outside the window. He watched Julia sleep.

Julia woke up a little shaken up a few minutes later and William ran to her side cradling her in his arms.

"I'm right here Julia don't worry" he said kissing her head.

He turned around and laid with her in his arms. She snuggled into his arms and he covered them both.

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