Chapter two

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Julia and William woke up the next morning cuddling.

"Julia we have to get ready for work" William whispered.

"William I just want to stay in bed with you" she mumbled her eyes fluttering shut.

"As do I, but we have to go." He said kissing her cheek.

"No" she mumbled and snuggled more into his neck.

William wrapped his arms and hugged her tight. After a few seconds he lifted her up and on her feet.

They got ready and took a carriage to the morgue.

"Would you like for me to come in alongside of you?" William asked.

"No William. I'll be fine." She said and kissed his cheek.

The carriage left and William was on his way to the station house. Once he arrived there was five constables around a hurt woman.

"What seems to be the problem here?" William asked while walking towards the group.

"Did, this woman has been getting death threats for five days now and someone has stabbed her arm." George Crabtree explained.

"How horrible. Let her know that she is in good hands. We will find this monster. May she write me a list of people that could be a threat to her." He said and walked into his office.

A few moments later there was a knock at the door and inspector Brackenreid emerged through.

"Detective Murdoch, me o'mucker." Thomas Brackenreid said while walking in.

"Inspector Brackenreid What can I help you with today?" Murdoch asked.

"I've been getting calls from people all around the bloody city telling me about posters being found all over" he said.

"And what is being represented on the posters sir?" Murdoch asked.

"Child abduction" he said.

"What about it?" William asked.

"It is as if the person is bragging about it. On the bloody thing there is the number 13 written in Roman numerals." He said.

"Sir, there has been 13 child abductions In the past month and we have yet to find any of the missing lads. Do you think that this could be our killer?" Murdoch asked.

"Either that or a bloody bad joke" he said and walked off to his office.

William slowly started to connect the dots. Julia had recently told him about her suspicions towards miss hart and the child.
Could the person behind all of this be miss hart?

A few minutes past three o'clock the telephone began to ring.

"Detective Murdoch, someone wants to talk with you." Hodge called after him.

"I'll be there in a moment" he said and walked towards hodge.

He picked up the telephone and spoke.

"Detective Murdoch here may I ask whom is speaking?"

"William!" Julia called.

"Julia, are you alright?" He asked.

"No William I-i found a dead body in the dumpster of the morgue. I need you to come here now" she shouted frightened.

"I'm on my way" he said and hung up.

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