Chapter three

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William rushed into a carriage and payed the man extra to get him there as quickly as possible.

Once they arrived at the morgue, William ran out and into the morgue.

"Julia?" He called, but there was no answer.

He thought back to the phone call and remembered that the body she had discovered was outside.

"William!!" He heard a faint voice.

He ran back into the building and opened the door to the cool room and laying on the floor was a freezing Julia.

"Julia!" William shouted and lifted her up into his arms. She was freezing.

"W-William" she sighed and nuzzled into his arms while she trembled.

"Come let's get you out of here" he said and sat her down on a chair.

"William, it was ms hart. She saw that I had found the body and she shoved me into the cool room." She said.

"Constable Higgins, you and two more men are on search for miss hart" Murdoch said.

"Constable Crabtree, you go inform me Brackenreid on what's happened and let him know that I'm bringing Julia home" he said.

"Yes sir" they all said and union.

Murdoch removed his coat and place it around Julia's shoulders, trying to warm her up. But there was no use. She was practically frozen.

They walked out of the morgue and into a carriage. Once they got to the hotel and into their bedroom, Julia got undressed and William gave her his warm robe.

"Thank you" She said while nuzzling her face into it.

William brought her to bed and held her tightly trying to warm her up and called down for some hot cocoa.

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