Chapter 24

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"Daniellll..." I called through the house, dragging the L.

We were home alone and I was bored and had no idea where Daniel was.

I heard footsteps running down the stairs and then Daniel appeared.

"Are you okay," he asked as he saw me.

I fell to the floor dramatically, "no I'm dyingggg, save me my prince."

He chuckled and came and picked me up, bridal style.

He kissed me on the top of my nose and then on my lips, smiling the whole time like an idiot.

"You're terrible Car," he said, chuckling.

"Well you're terriblerer," I responded, automatically regretting what I said, considering he'd make fun of me.

He busted out laughing, having to sit me down before he fell over which eventually happened.

As he laughed and laughed, I pulled my fingernail polish out and completed both hands and he was still laughing, rolling on the floor like an idiot.

So then I decided to make an açaí bowl and by the time I finished eating that, he finally stopped laughing, occasionally chuckling and muttering that word over and over again.

I'd just roll my eyes at him.

And then he'd laugh again.

I finally got tired of it so I walked upstairs and locked our bedroom door.

Not even a minute later, he was at the door and begging to come in, so I let him.

He pulled me into a hug and kissed me sweetly. I smiled into the kiss and then we pulled away.

I heard the front door open expecting it to be the boys and Chris back with my food, but as I went downstairs I saw my momma standing there; her arms open wide for a hug.

And Daniel and I ran into her arms; me crying into her shoulder.

I did miss my Momma so much and I was so glad she finally came home. We both were.

When we pulled apart, the front door open and the boys with bags in there hands, dropped everything and came running into give her a hug.

We really did love each other as a family and my momma was like there mother away from home.

Chris was looking lost so I introduced her to my mother. They seemed to really get along which made me and Corbyn happy, of course.

Corbyn smiles over at me as he sat on the couch admiring his girlfriend talking to and getting along with his "second mother."

I smiled back and walked over to where Daniel was, wishing I could kiss him in front of everyone.

And then I finally decided I wasn't scared anymore,

"We have to tell them."

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