Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- The start of a new life

On the way to meet the gang all I can think about is how good it feels being in his warm strong arms. I quickly scold myself for thinking that way I mean I hardly know this guy! Soon my thoughts are distracted from his perfect chiseled body to a beautiful view of the all the trees we passed by. I looked out on the horizon, at all the stars and couldn't help but want my own pair of wings.

Soon his pace slows down and he lands in the front yard of a big and very old Victorian looking house. I look up at Adrian saying is this your house? He shakes his head "no I have my own apartment this is Daimon's house, another angel." He then tucks his wings back into his body and leads the way into the house. We enter a dimly lit room that appears to be a study with 8 teenagers all talking low and hurriedly, but they stop when we walk in. As soon as I walk in my attention goes straight to a tanned welled muscled boy with dark hair a wicked bad boy look and deep almost unnerving crystal blue eyes. We lock eyes for a moment and then he goes back to the conversation he was having with guy that has a tan cowboy hat.

Adrian speaks up saying "guys this is Willow." A really pretty blond with dazzling blue eyes and a very curvy body walk up saying "hi honey its about darn time I met you my name is Mary Ann and over there is my brother Mathew" she points to the guy with the cowboy hat. I almost want to laugh at her very thick country accent but instead i smile saying hi.

Everyone else says hi and I met a bright red head named Adalee with porcelain colored skin that contracts with her hair in such a way that its very beautiful. Next for me to meet is a girl named Jade with perfectly California tanned skin bright green jade eyes and a very beautiful mane of the blackest hair I have ever seen. I then meet twins named Dolton and Landon both are cream colored and have bright happy smiles and light sandy brown hair. Next i meet a guy named Brett who has dark brown hair brown eyes to match and a cute adorable smile. The only person Ive yet to know his name is the one person I'm really interested in and he doesn't seem to care one bit about saying hi. Adrian rolls his eyes saying and over there is Daimon hes rude and a total a-hole I don't think he'd be here if it weren't for Jade's undying love for him.

I nod and Adrian calls for a group meeting.

He smiles and says it's time for you to know some history, a long long time ago God kicked out the first angel named Lucifer. Some time after that little things that angels did, that God didn't approve of, would get them kicked out too. There are a lot of ways to get kicked out and become what we call 'Fallen angels' yet getting kicked out isn't the only way you can become a fallen angel, you can also come back to life like you and Adalee's case. Then there are people that died and God can't quite decide if he wants to send them to hell or keep them so he puts them back on Earth for them to prove themselves worthy of being in Heaven.

I sit there numbly trying to soak all of this in and look up only to notice that everyone is staring at me. I blush and look down saying "I have so many questions."

Adrian smiles saying "well now that we are in front of the gang you can ask but one at a time please." I smile thinking back to earlier when i flooded him with question and say "okay are all angels wings black?"

He shakes his head saying "nope it just depends on how much you've sinned on your time on earth after you receive your wings." I look up at him in shock knowing already how dark his wings are. Daimon laughs harshly saying in a sexy and husky tone "don't worry sweetie little Adrian's wings seem white compared to mine." I look at him surprised and he says "ya i can read thoughts."

Everyone laughs and Jade says "no he can't although all of us do have control over an element. Me, Brett and Mathew have earth. Mary Ann and Dalton has water. Adrian and Daimon have fire. Landon has air and Adalee has the rarest and lest understood element called spirit and she can in fact read minds because of her element." Adalee spoke up in a very quiet, sweet, and innocent sounding voice saying "but I choose not to because I feel like it's an invasion of privacy." Mary Ann smiles saying "and don't worry darling you'll get your element whenever your ready. We just didn't want to rush everything on you tonight."

I nod and say "okay so I have a lot more questions but I'm tired and want to go to bed so here is my last one for tonight. How did you get in my room?" Adrian smiles and says "through the window although I have to admit something, I didn't come as an angel I came as a bird, each angel can turn into a bird. They can't pick the breed it just comes naturally and no, not every bird is an angel." I nod saying "okay but why turn into a bird if you can just grow wings?" The group looks at each other and most of them seem upset, Adrian runs a hand through his hair saying "it hurts a lot to just have wings and turning into a bird has no pain at all plus its easier to be a bird flying through the air instead of a person its much less subtle that your an angel you know?" I laugh and say "ya i guess so."

After that i mostly just talk to the gang about who i was before and they tell me about their lives and how all of them go to Alvin High School. I smile excitedly because that means I will already have a few friends in my new school.

Once it gets a lot later around 4 o'clock Adrian takes me back home and I fall asleep almost as soon as I hit the pillow.

That next day I'm slow and in deep thought all day but no one notices. Emily, my little sister is to busy playing with dolls and my Dad doesn't get home till late. As soon as dinner is over i go upstairs to my room pick out clothes and take a nice hot shower. Once I step back in my room I notice immediately that Adrian is laying on my bad staring up at the ceiling.

This upsets me "Get out! I hardly even know you, you can't just come by whenever you feel like it!" At this he looks a little amused and then says "well maybe you should lock this window." I glare at him and very angrily say "I can't"

After it's obvious he's not going to move I decide to get ready for bed anyways. I put my dirty clothes up, brush my hair and teeth and then sit down and say "alright what do you want?"

At this he closes his eyes and sighs saying "to go back home, back to Heaven." I frown because it's obvious Ive upset him and so i ask him what Heaven is like. He is silent for so long I think he won't answer and then he says "beautiful, the most beautiful place Ive ever seen." I sigh because that's not the answer I wanted but he makes it obvious that he doesn't want to talk about it, so I don't press.

I lay down and laugh to myself thinking how odd it is that I feel so content by him even though I hardly know him. And then I start to think about how soft and quiet his breathing is, how wonderful his abs look, and how I oh so desperately wanted to run my fingers through his soft looking hair. He breaks the silence by saying "what are you thinking about?" I blush and say nothing really I'm just tired he nods and says "the real reason I came is because newly made angels are always in trouble the most." He makes a disgusted look saying "demons always try to prey on them first since that's the only time they are vulnerable and their new angel scent leads the demon right to them for easy feeding." I sit up quickly and say "um did you say demons?? and prey?! as in like eat??!" He nods slowly saying "God has angels, Satan has demons. And demons have one purpose in their corrupt horrible kill and the thing they eat to survive is angels. So to answer your previous question before yes killing is bad until it comes to demons that is were the assassin part comes in. Every week usually on Saturday we all go out and hunt down as many demons as we can in one night, and the first time you kill a demon God commends you by giving you the gift of flight; so both your wings and your animal form."

My mind swirls with all the new things Ive learned so far but one thing is still troubling me. "Adrian? Why did you fall from Heaven?" He then sits up and looks me deep into the eyes and for once, I'm scared of him. He then tells me in a very deep and dark voice that he isn't ready to tell me and to keep my nose out of peoples business. I frown hurt, and then he softens up and says "I'm sorry it's just that is a very very very sensitive topic for me okay?" I nod looking down and he puts his finger under my chin and pulls my face up to look at him. The look he gives me is deep and warm and full of...something. "Please tell me if you want me to go, I won't exactly leave because I have to watch your house to make sure demons haven't picked up your scent but I can at least get out of your room." I nod taking this in and say "I don't want to be rude but can you leave?" The look he gives me is slightly hurt but full of understanding  he nods and jumps out the window turning into an eagle.

I shut my door, turn my lights off and fall into a blissful sleep.


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