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Allison's p.o.v

Today was hectic. Right now Luke Calum and I were in the kitchen cooking for 17 people. We were having a roast or chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, corn, rice e.t.c. I was kind of picky so there wasn't much I would eat. We got the cooking under control and then everyone showed up. There were so many people here. It was the first time I was meeting anyone's family except for dads. I greeted everyone and then went back to cooking. Dad was taking pictures of everyone. Once supper was ready we had multiple tables out.I fed Thomas and then went back to eating. I grabbed some roast beef, corn and rice. I then grabbed a glass of water. i was sitting at a table with Luke's brothers. Lauren, Mali and Connor. We ate and talked about random things. I was texting Daniel asking him about his thanksgiving. He was with his grandparents so I left him alone. After we finished eating I helped put dishes into the dishwasher and hand wash the rest. Today was great. I then got a text. It was from the unknown caller. They said to Watch Out for what was coming next. I just texted them to leave me alone and I put my phone away.

Calum: Who was that?

Allison: Um no one.

Calum: I want to know who is threatening you.

Allison: I think it is my dad but it says unknown caller.

Calum: Ok. I would just ignore their text for now.

Allison: Ok thanks Cal.

I set my phone down and got back to thanksgiving. People were beginning to leave. Now it was just Grandma, Lauren, Harry, Mali, Joy and Liz. We had a lot of food left so we game some to everyone. Once we were finished cleaning everything I asked Lauren if she wanted to sleepover. She didn't have clothes so I lent her a pair of pajamas. We watched a movie on my laptop and then went to bed. 

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