Christmas Vacation Part 2 And 3

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Allison's p.o.v

I woke up and it was about 4:00 AM L.A time. That meant that it was 8:00 AM here. Today we are going snorkeling. I woke Lauren up and then we started to get dressed. I took my bathing suit out from my suitcase and put it on. I then put on a summery dress over top. We took the elevator down to the restaurant and met up with everyone. We then found a couple tables and pushed them together. I looked down at my stomach and it was getting even bigger from being pregnant. I was almost 3 months long. Noah and I were thinking about names for either gender. So far for a boy we have Jackson Caleb and Shane. If we have a girl we have Jordan, Aaliyah or Elizabeth. Noah didn't like Jackson and I didn't like Jordan. No matter what if we have a girl Elizabeth will be in the name. Elizabeth was my moms name. Everyone was excited to go snorkeling. After we ate we went to the beach. There was a wooden box that we had the key for. Connor opened it and we had our snorkeling gear. We put it on and then I turned my camera on. It was waterproof so I could take pictures underwater. We had the gear for 3 hours. After about an hour I decided to go tan and Skype my friends.

Everyone: Hey!

Allison: How are you guys?

Danielle: We're good.

Leslie: Yeah we are just packing for Ber- no I mean London.

Allison: Um ok!

Skyler: So how is it there?

Allison: Good! Right now we are snorkeling.

Danielle: Awesome!

Allison: Wait isn't it like 6:00AM there?

Leslie: Yeah but we miss you!

Allison: I miss you guys too! I can't wait to see you guys after break!

Danielle: I have to go see you guys!

Everyone: Bye!

Danielle hung up and the 3 of us talked for half an hour.

Dad: So how is snorkeling?

Allison: Sorry but my friends called.

Dad: It's ok let's go back in.

Allison: We all decided to snorkel more but then everyone was tired from swimming

Michael: I'm hungry and need lunch.

Calum: Let's go eat.

Allison: I put my clothes over my bathing suit and then we went to have lunch. I ordered a large cheese pizza to share with Lauren, Dad and Luke's brothers. We all talked about what we were doing tomorrow. Once we ate we went back to the hotel. Dad told all of us to meet him outside the hotel in to minutes. I went back upstairs to charge my phone for as long as I could. It was at 30%. We have 2 minutes to get downstairs so we stood in the elevator and went down. We were waiting on Dad and Luke. They finally came down and then dad told us what we were doing.

Dad: We are going to the Aquarium. The bus will be here in 3 minutes. 

So we waited and the bus came. I sat beside dad and we went. Once we got there we walked in a and a guy greeted us. There was a scavenger hunt so our group was divided into four groups of four. I was with Calum, Michael and Connor. We were given a polaroid camera There was 5 different things we had to take pictures off. Whoever gets the best picture wins. On our list was Turtles, Sharks, Dolphins, Clownfish and any other type of fish. First we went to the turtles. There were too many people in front of them so we decided to go to Clownfish to start. 1 hour later we lost to Luke, Jack, Ben and Liz. We all had fun and were able to keep some of the pictures we took. We decided to leave and go eat lunch.


Allison's p.o.v

Today we were going Kayaking. I got dressed and then we all walked to the kayak rental place. There was only 2 people kayaks so we had to pair up. I was with Luke. we got on and paddled around. I definitely like Kayaking more than canoeing. We kayaked for 4 hours straight. I was starting to get sunburnt. We went back to shore because our time was up. Once we gave back the kayaks we went to supper. I was really hungry. It was time to order. I got a cream soda, a burger with just pickles and fries. Everyone was talking and I was checking my instagram. People were again posting mean hate comments on my last picture because I am pregnant. I just played a game on my phone until the food got here. I ate my food instantly. Once we all finished and paid we went back to the hotel. They had a bowling alley so we were going there tonight. We walked down their and spit up into 4 teams. So far the winning team was Mali, Joy, Grandma, Karen, Daryl and Andrew. When we finished bowling went back to our rooms and went to bed.

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